Monday, October 15, 2012

Announcement - Raising the White Flag & Anthro Giveaway

Good morning friends.  This announcement is one that I've felt I've needed to make for a few weeks now, and the time has finally come.  After over three years of writing here at Four Flights of Fancy, I have decided to stop writing and adding new posts here.  Since I started my new site For the Love Of, I felt that it was very necessary and important to keep this blog, focusing on life and family, and that blog, focusing on style, completely separate.  But the longer I kept the two spaces separate, the more I realized that I can't separate the two. 

My family is the most important thing to me, next to my faith, and it started to feel wrong that I never talked about the kids over on the other site.  It also felt wrong to only talk about the kids here since I never intended to have just a family blog.  The two started to feel like they needed to intersect more and in the past few weeks I've finally figured out how to do that.  And in reality, there was just no time to keep all these balls in the air juggling, in a way I could feel good about.  There just aren't enough hours in the day.   

So I have decided to focus on melding the two over on For the Love Of for a couple of reasons.  First, it's a Wordpress site that has a lot more capabilities and functionality than this Blogger site.  Second, I felt it was time to just continue with the fresh start I had made over there back in March, and just add the layers of family and our home life over on that site. 

So for those of you that aren't interested in a Style site?  Well, the other site will be focused on Style, Beauty and DIY for about 3 posts a week, and the rest will be mixes of family life, some recipes or posts about our house remodel, and just other thoughts, posted closer to the weekend.  Monday-Wednesday will focus on Style and Beauty and DIY's.  You'll definitely see my voice over there, just mixed with a bit more Style ;)  For starters I wrote about my birth story with Hayden last week and was so happy to see the response.  I'm working on adding in some of my post popular recipe and DIY posts over on the other site, and eventually you will no longer be able to get the full posts here.

So now is the part where I try to entice some of you to move over with a giveaway!  I'm giving away 2 Anthropologie gift cards (valued at $50 and $25) to 2 readers.  I hope I'll see some of you over there :)
Thank you so very much for those of you that have read for the past three years, for your prayers, comments, advice, and for just listening.  I do not say it lightly, but you guys helped me through some rough patches and I can't thank you enough for that.

It's been an honor and a pleasure to write for you all, and have this community.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I sincerely hope this isn't goodbye.  You all know where you can find me :)

Please visit my other site to enter to win 1 of 2 Anthro gift cards.