Sunday, July 20, 2008

Angels vs. Boston, Martinis and Tapas, and so much more...

What a weekend. Art and I kicked off Friday night by going to the Angels vs. Red Sox game and let me just say that Boston fans are crazy. Our seats were right next to a guy that easily weighed 500 pounds (and he was a Red Sox fan btw). By the 4th inning my back was hurting so bad from having to be cramped to one side since the 500 lb gentlemen was literally spilling over into my seat, we were forced to take rescue in the only 2 empty seats in our area, which were unfortunately right next to another group of Red Sox fans that had had 5 too many beers. After some terse exchanges between myself, Art and the crazy Sox fan, I proclaimed that I would rather be sitting next to the heavy set man than this guy. I told the Sox fan that he was way too tense and he was stressing me out. I don't think he liked that very much...

All ended well though by us taking a nice stroll around the stadium, a landslide Angels victory and an awesome fireworks show.

Saturday was a lounging day but we did get some exercise in. Our new bike trailer arrived and so we took a stroll arond the neighborhood and to Fresh and Easy. We felt so good biking instead of driving to the market and I finally remembered to bring my canvas shopping bag! I bought some ingredients to make grilled eggplant stuffed with feta cheese for a tapas and martini party we were going to later that evening. We got to see our nanny Jill. It just so happened that we needed a sitter for the tapas party and she was going to be back in town for the weekend. Taylor was thrilled to see her and was very excited to get to stay up late and watch a movie with Jill. We had a great time at the party and enjoyed visiting with our friends.

Sunday was dedicated to going to church, grabbing lunch and then after naps we went back to church for an Old Fashioned Picnic. The kids had a great time playing with the hool -a - hoops and watching Art play tug of war. Papa even got to go and proclaimed that he is going to try and make it to church with us every now and then.

And that's the recap of our adventure filled weekend! A couple of pictures at the top are from earlier in the week. We went to Adventure City, a small amusement type theme park for little kids in Anaheim, and we went to the Nature Center with some friends to hear a Celtic band play.


  1. I can totally hear you talking to the Sox fan! Thanks for my monday morning smile!!! ( Sorry I missed you Saturday night, I was exhausted after the birthday party I took the kids too that evening )

  2. Wow! You guys have so much fun! Thanks for sharing...glad I could catch up!


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