Thursday, October 2, 2008

I will try to be good...

Taylor & Mommy @ School

What's the point of having a blog if you don't update it right? I have been sorely disappointed with myself for being such a slacker, but I am making a commitment to try and be better haha! Since it's been almost 2 months since I did a proper post, I forgive the very long post that is about to follow, along with a ton of pictures....

I last left off as we were about to leave on vacation to Cambria mid-August. Well we went and had an amazing time! Cambria is in Central California right along the coast, and about 10 minutes before Hearst Castle (San Simeon). We stayed at the Cambria Pines Lodge and the place couldn't have been better. It was nestled in a pine forest about 1.5 miles above the beach, so it was a few degrees warmer than the chilly beach and breathtaking. We had a great time just wandering around their acres of gardens and winding paths. The kids had fun exploring and swimming in the pool and every morning we had a hot breakfast waiting for us in the restaurant (included in the price of the room). This was great because we didn't have to wait at a restaurant every morning with cranky hungry kids.
We saw the elephant seals one morning and went to Moonstone Beach to collect rocks, stones and sea shells. Overall it was a very relaxing trip and the kids did great. Taylor keeps asking when we are going back on bacation (she pronounces it with a b) :)

The day before we left for vacation though we took in a trip to Tananka Farms and went watermelon picking. It was HOT but we had a great time and the kids actually ate veggies!

At the end of August we enrolled Taylor in Vacation Bible School for the week and I volunteered in the classroom. I have a whole new respect for preschool teachers that's for sure! It was exhausting but a lot of fun. Taylor loved the songs she learned and loved the ice cream treats they got each night before going home. The most memorable experience of the week for me was one day when we were swimming at Skylar's house, Taylor says to me "Mom, I want to walk on water like Jesus." Wow, what do you say to that!?!?! So cute :)

In other news, Taylor started preschool! It's been 4 weeks now and the first 2 weeks were great. She ran in with no problems, but the last 2 weeks have been a little tougher. I think the novelty has worn off and she has been putting up a fight to go to school each morning. It's stressful for us but I just keep reminding myself that we're doing the right thing. After she cried a lot this morning before being dropped off, the teacher said she ended up having the best day yet. She actively participated and had a good day. I was so happy to hear that. I know she will probably continue to put up a fight each morning, but at least if she has fun once she's there, I'm happy. Pictures attached are of her first day and the balloon her friend Caroline got her to congratulate her on her first day. She was so happy!

Somewhere in between we had the 1st Annual Julian Labor Day Block Party and it was a blast. Hopefully we will get more participation next year from the block, but it was a great start.

Art is on the verge of hiring an employee which is exciting but scary too considering the economy, but we've got to move forward. Sydney is doing great! He is walking around everywhere and is such a character it's soooo cute! I can't believe how much he is growing and learning. He now can blow kisses and is starting to say a few more words.

Phew! I think that's enough for now. At least I am caught up for the most part and start fresh! Thanks for checking in.

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