Monday, October 27, 2008


The other day while I was going through pictures I came across this video of Taylor when she was just a little over 2 and I almost started crying. I cannot even remember her talking like that in that cute little voice. I realized that although it is such a cliche, this time truly does go so fast. Aside from the videos and pictures, so many of these memories will be lost in our brains among all the tedious day to day bits of information we tend to get bogged down with.

We really are the gate keepers if you will to our own family story; the traditions, the favorite songs, the favorite books, cute little mannerisms, etc. There is this cute little story that I think I may actually remember, or it could just be that I have been told the story so many times that it is burned into my brain. While vacationing at Lake Tahoe with my mom and dad and Aunt Tula and Uncle Louie, I was instructed to walk next door to their cabin and ask for lemon juice. Because of my lisp, not helped by the fact I had prematurely lost my 2 front teeth, I asked over and over, to no avail for "emon huuuice". My Aunt Tula told me that story EVERY time I saw her and although I thought it was a little annoying at the frisky age of 16, I keep that story tucked into my memory and will always cherish it.

I would like to dedicate this post to Sydney. My spunky, feisty and oh so cute little guy. At 17 months he is now starting to really try and say many words (waffle is one of his new favorite words!). He still loves to get his groove on and is just so gosh darn adorable. The one thing that has always held true for my Syd is that he feels and shows his emotion with all his heart. When he is mad, he is mad; but when he is happy, he makes you a true believer in the almighty God because only He would have the capacity to make a creature so magnificent.

I love you so much my little Sydney. From the top of your curly blonde hair to the bottoms of your chubby feet and everything in between. I love your walk, your dance moves and most of all your laugh.


  1. Seth just started with the word waffle, which invariably comes out "awful" "awful please, Mommy." Too hilarious.

  2. what a sweet post Andrea, I got goose bumps!


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