Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ya, I'm a Loser

So on the top of my list of things to do are:
Finalize Living Trust (after filing our living trust back in September, I have yet to fund the darn thing. Now I know why Legal Zoom only charges $499!)

File for dental insurance - still contemplating that one

File for new health insurance - DONE! We got accepted to a new health plan that will be saving us over $100 a month. Thank God!

Finish Syd's baby book - hmmm, think I may complete that one before he turns 2 (hopefully!)

Print up 2008 pictures - I am very close to completing that one!
And finally, UPDATE BLOG! Well to check off one thing off my list, I proceed to update my blog.

I am a little anal retentive you see. What happened is that Art takes a ton of pics on his fancy Canon camera and then hoards them. They are stuck on his computer and I have no access to them. All the pictures from Thanksgiving, the El Dorado Park Home Tour and after-party, and the biggest one of all, Christmas, are all stuck on his computer at work! UGH! So the AR person that I am cannot move forward out of sequence. I keep saying, how can I update my blog and not post something about Christmas, the home tour, holiday party, etc.??? I am hard wired to just go in order.

So at this rate, I may never get my pictures (although I bug him about it every day so maybe some day?). I finally decided today the hell with it and just move forward.

The last several months have been eventful of course. Christmas was wonderful this year and the kids really enjoyed themselves. We saw both sets of famlies but still managed to keep it stress free. We limited our spending which was nice and focused on the kids.
Right before Christmas we were one of 4 homes featured on the El Dorado Park Estates Home Tour and we put in a lot of grueling hours in the preceeding weeks painting the living room, dining room, hallways and entry way and we got some great design consults from my neighbor Sarah. We redecorated a couple of rooms and if I ever get the pics I will share them eventually! I promise Lea :)

After the home tour we had a holiday open house and had about 40 guests. It was a lot of fun and we plan to make it an annual thing.

We celebrated New Years Eve with our dear friends Mark and Ali and their girls and had a mellow glass of champagne and called it a night by 9pm! We left the next day for Scottsdale to visit Lea and spent 3 nights with her. After our visits I am always reminded what a dear friend she is to me. I honestly can say that I have never had friend that I "click with" so well. I love you Lea!
The next weekend we took off to Lake Arrowhead and spent 2 nights and had a great time playing in the snow and feeding the ducks at the lake.

Yesterday was Valentines Day and Art and I just stayed home and had a good dinner with the kids. I made chocolate milk for them and gave them a V-Day cookie. Well that was a mistake becauase this morning we walked into Syd's room and he had puked pink all over his crib! Poor bubba :(

I have attached some pictures. There are a couple from our trip to Arrowhead, our Tales and Trails class at the Nature Center, Taylor on her way to a birthday party and the kids having fun with paint during Arts and Crafts time. If you see, the paint is all over the place, which is exactly why I refuse to get a new dining room table until these kids are at least 5!

I will try, but do not promise, to be such a stranger!

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