Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back To School

This was a big week for us in that Taylor started back to school at Teddy Bear 2 days a week and as usual, my worries were highly exagerrated because she did great! Through all our struggles last year with drop offs, I was convinced that I would be dragging my little girl into 8th grade everyday because she would "hate" school and would beg me to stay home with mommy, as she did almost every Tuesday and Thursday last year. I questioned my decision to enroll her and many times thought I might just pull her out. I started to feel much better after receiving her end-of-year report and "yearbook" where there were a ton of pictures of her smiling and genuinely having a ball. I have to admit I felt a little duped!

At the end of the day though I am so glad for our choices because on Tuesday and Thursday of this week she walked into her new "BIG" class (Room 4 is twice as big as her old classroom), ready to conquer the world. She really seems to understand now, and enjoy that she will go to school to learn and have fun. I couldn't have been prouder.
Because we had decided to keep her on a Tuesday/Thursday schedule this year, I was equally worried because all of the friends she had made last year would now be on a M/W/F schedule so she would have to make all new friends. The day before school started we were chatting about her new class room and the new adventures she would have and she asked, "Mommy, will I have the same friends, or will I make new friends?" I cringed and tried to casually answer, "Oh Taylor you will make all new friends!" She replied, "Oh good, I am really good at making friends now mom. Remember that time at Chik Fil A and that girl bumped into me and I said "hi" and we became friends?" Gosh, I just love her!!!

So a successful first week back indeed. I am very happy with the letter the teacher sent home that explained the emphasis will still be on learning through play, but with some emphasis on academics as well to get them ready for Kindergarten. I can't wait to see what this year will bring us and continue to see our little girl learn and grow.

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