Saturday, September 26, 2009

Science Experiment

The kids and I did a little science experiment using white vinegar and milk
We boiled the milk and as soon as it boiled we added a bit of the vinegar until it looked like...

After it cooled we dumped it on a paper plate and started adding some food coloring.
I think this was the kids favorite part
Then things started to get a little messy
Mister Man got a little stressed about the mess
The texture was flubbery and rubbery and felt good to smoosh around in the hands. The experiment was to show how to make a plastic.
Once it was a big mess of flubbery rubbery goo, Taylor decided to make a pie out of it. We spread it out and then started cutting it into halves and fourths. I love the teachable moments best when they aren't coming across as teachable moments :) So does Taylor.
The science experiment got us talking about chemical reactions and gases, and then eventually fractions, all while having fun.

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