Friday, January 15, 2010


I'm nervous, tired, and frustrated right now, but I want to focus instead on being EXCITED! Why do you ask? Because in a few short hours my bestest friend will be here from Arizona and will be the best remedy for all of those nerves and frustrations. This is not to discredit my wonderful husband and his ability to calm my nerves. But since he is just as nervous and frustrated as I am, we don't seem to be balancing each other out much right now.

Lea will be here for an extended weekend stay to help celebrate the pretty lady you see below, Mrs. Kimberly Gerding. I love both of these girls so much. We met during our days at Macy's, and I was honored to be bridesmaids at both of their weddings. I gave a toast at Kim's in which I said something to the effect of "Here's to Matt and Kim having kids some day!" You see, they both vehemently declared for years that they would never have kids. And then out of nowhere (no one even knew they had decided to start trying to have children), BAM, they announce their pregnant! We were all so excited and happy for them, and this weekend we get to all join together to celebrate baby boy Gerding.

Aside from all the typical Baby Shower hoopla that will ensue, I'm sure there will be lots of eating. Lea is my eating partner in crime. The girl can chow. It's seriously one of her best traits, and certainly one that I appreciate. Here we are at one of our favorite restaurants, Mahe.

There will undoubtedly be LOTS and LOTS of laughter. Aside from our love of eating, we also love to laugh together. We are complete goofballs when we are together. She will hate me for posting this picture.

And for posting this one...

And FOR SURE for posting this one...
I post these though because when Lea is here, we are laughing pretty much non-stop,
and I love her for that. More than she will ever know.

Speaking of friends, I have to give a shout out to this couple below because it's been a rough week. Slash that, rough month, and she has helped me through the nightmare of buying and selling a house. And her husband has lent her to us more times than I'd care to count. Thanks Irelands. p.s. Sarah will probably hate me for posting this picture, but I just had to. She had just got finished telling us "I'm not worried!"

And another shout out to this lovely lady, Wendy. She saved my life yesterday by watching my kids while I screamed at Bank of America. She then took my daughter to dinner and kept her for a sleep over! Now that's friendship! I love you Wendy! You have the purest heart.

I am blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends and I thank God for them everyday. Jenn, I wish you could be with us tomorrow at Kim's shower but we will be thinking of you and will be there in spirit (she's our other Macy's partner in crime). I love you friends!

Tomorrow I will write about family. That will be a good one :)

1 comment:

  1. you guys!! and one more for ol times sake "i am not worried"..hhahaha


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