Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time for Two Things I Love Around My Home

I got this idea from Kassi over at BacWoods Fern and just couldn't resist playing on this here Tuesday. Check out her blog, it's super cute and she is really sweet in real life (one of the bloggers I met at Blog Sugar). I hope to make it a regular occurrence here at Four Flights. What a great way to focus on some positive things around the home. So here goes.

My Two Things I Love Around My Home today are :

This trompe l'oeil piece in a soft sage green

It used to hang in our dining room above our china hutch, but when we moved to the new house it no longer fit. My mom suggested hanging it as a faux headboard above the guest bed.
It completely transforms the room and I just love it.

Second, I am really enjoying my new over-sized glass jars that I picked up at Target. Filled with flour, sugar and brown sugar, they are proving to be a nice decorative piece as well as very functional. I never realized how much flour we go through here, and having it in this very large jar makes it easy to scoop out.

What are you loving in your home this week?

to play
write a post with your two things that you are loving this week,
link back to me and then come back here to link up to the mcklinky so that all who have played can see your two things!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!


  1. i'm so glad you played along!
    and it was great meeting you... thank you for the sweet words about me!
    great two things... but what i'm really really lovin is all your milk glass!!! LOVE it!

    ps. i'm your newest follower! yay!

  2. Ok, can I sleep in your guest bedroom?!?! How cute.

  3. I did it, aren't you proud of me Andrea - here are my two favorite things in my house right now

  4. So proud of you Miranda! I love your two things, easy to see why you chose them!

  5. Ohhhh. I have those same jars too on my counter. I think with the same goodies. :)

  6. excuse me while I wipe off a little drool brought on my your GORGEOUS headboard - "it's bad to covet, it's bad to covet, it's bad to covet..."


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