Thursday, April 29, 2010

Focusing On the Pretty

Good morning my friends.  Much too tired.  I got in a fight with a new sewing pattern last night and the pattern came out victorious.  I could go on and on about how defeated I feel, but instead, I will focus less on the negative and accentuate the positive.  Here goes.

Isn't this salad pretty? 
I made it last week all by myself and I think it's just about the prettiest thing I've ever made.
Just wanted to share.
What's that?
Oh, you want the recipe?
Well okay, here it is:

My Cabbage Crunch Salad I Made Because I Had a Ginormous Head of Cabbage From My CSA Box:
1/2 head of cabbage cut up length wise into thin pieces
1 red pepper cut into very thin strips
1 carrot peeled with a vegetable peeler
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2/3 cup peanut oil (I only recommend this type of oil, it will completely change the salad, and your life BTW)
1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
Juice of one lemon squeezed
Combine all ingredients and toss.  Sprinkle with Sesame Seeds and some Salt & Pepper to taste.  Top with chicken slices if so inclined.

I'm linking this recipe up to Linda's Recipe Swap over at Crafaholics Anonymous!


  1. oh my... so colorful and did you say cilantro??? delish. I am adding this to my Trader Joe list. See you today! :)

  2. Goodness that looks so gorgeous!
    Thanks for the recipe!
    Wishing I had a ginormous head of cabbage about now!
    Enjoy the day!

  3. YUMM! Can't wait to try it.

  4. Peanut oil. Hmm, we'll have to talk a little more about how it will change my life. Normally I run out and buy stuff like that for a salad, then have no idea what to do with the rest of it. If all salads were that pretty, maybe I would eat more veggies.

  5. Janna, I'll post a recipe next week that I made in conjunction with this one that ALSO used peanut oil. Between both recipes I'm 1/3 of the way done with my bottle. I am totally like you though, I buy stuff for one recipe and then never use it again. That's why I purposely found 2 recipes that both used peanut oil :) C u and Nancy in a couple of hours. I can't wait!

  6. Looks yummy mama. Tackle that bad boy pattern again tonight. :)

  7. Thanks, Andrea! It did look so pretty, I made it for an early lunch. We had a stomach bug this week and nothing has looked, sounded or tasted very good. I saw your post on my way to trader's, so picked up *some* of the ingredients. I didn't have peanut oil, so used some regular with a very little splash of sesame. Katie LOVED the red peppers...and I added in a few sugar snaps sliced on diagonal, a pinch of sugar, and a wee bit of salt & pepper (ok, so I have problems simply following recipes, I know!).

    Thanks for the inspiration - it's been a rough week!

  8. I'm really into cabbage lately, so i'm happy to try this! I'll share my cabbage salad recipe with you soon. I can't recall it all off the top of my head! :)

  9. This looks like such a yummy summer salad.

  10. so...i don't heart cabbage but that photo of yours is making me forget all that. now i want to make a batch of my own. yum!

  11. peanut oil has the best flavor! I think I just might try and make this for my MIL (who is vegan) this week while she's here. Thanks for sharing your recipes in the Recipe Swap!!
    Craftaholics Anonymous


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