Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Friends

The kids gave me a card that read:
Today Mom, Forget about the Dishes
The Laundry
The Chores
Just Pretend You're Dad!

Haha, I am so grateful for a family that loves to make each other laugh!

On another note, my sister got the beset Mother's Day present on Friday.
They found out that they were assigned adoptive parents of Ericka.
The process will start immediately.
It's been a long journey but they're on the home stretch!
I will share their story tomorrow...

Until then, blessings to all on this wonderful day!


  1. tee hee- love the card- and soooo good to laugh!!
    my adored brother-in-law is adopted and it brings such a smile to my face that another little bub will be as lucky as he has been...i wish them a wonderful journey together with erika...

    melissa x

  2. WOnderful news... hope you enjoyed your day. xoxo

  3. happy mother's day to you! thank you for commenting on my blog. that card is hilarious and i'm so happy for your sister! what wonderful timing.

  4. I got that SAME exact card! Ha ha ha! Hope you enjoyed your day!


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