Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Random Can I Get In One Post?

Good evening friends.  I don't usually post on Sundays, but I have so much swirling around in my brain I feel the need to do a little purge.  So please bare with me.

I bought an iPod docking station for our office at work.  The silence in there can be deafening sometimes, so we all concluded that a little music was needed.  I put together a playlist of over 150 songs, and the playlist below is the best of the best that I am obsessing over right now.  It's a clever little mix of good background music with just a few upbeat songs that you can sing along too, but not lose your concentration on.  I made a CD for the car and is it just me, but do some songs just sound better and are more effective in the car?  Songs in the car get me all twisted inside and emotional.  #6 and #9 are incredibly good at stirring up emotions.  #10 and #11 are pop songs that I'm too embarrassed to admit to liking though.  If you guess what they are I'll send you a prize.  Kimmie and Gerry are not allowed to play along though.
Speaking of songs, we visited our old church today.  For various reasons, one being the music, we missed it there and decided to give it a try this morning.  Of course the band pulled out all the stops and played an incredible set which included two of my favorite songs, Hosanna and Love Song.  Now you want to see someone blubbering while cruising along the freeway, drive next to me while I listen to this playlist.  Oh have mercy. 

Off the subject of music, and on to the subject of fruits and spices and heart-warming smells.  I learned a trick last year, yet again from my friend Sarah, on how to make your house smell so delicious and brilliant you'll literally never want to step outside.  Take an orange and apple, slice them up, and add them to a sauce pan filled with water, along with some cinnamon sticks and cloves.  Simmer all day long, occasionally filing the pan with water again as it simmers down.  You just freshen up the batch every couple of days or so.   
I promise you your house will smell so incredible you will run to the store and stock up on cinnamon sticks and cloves.  It's the perfect combination of all the scents of fall.
Speaking of stocking up, I buy the Tampico brand of cloves and cinammon sticks, found in the Mexican foods aisle at the grocery store.  It's loads cheaper than the regular spice aisle brands and since you're not really using them for cooking, there's no need to get the "highest quality" you know?  Actually, I use quite a few of their spices and they work just fine.  Anyone else ever buy this brand?
I almost threw this tea pot away.  We got it as a wedding gift over 11 years ago and it has sat on top of our stove for all these years, and subsequently was covered with cooking grime.  I constantly tried to clean it but I could never get the grease off.  It grossed me out so much that I was going to go buy a new pot this week (the one I was eying was over 40 bucks).  A light bulb went off this afternoon though and I boiled some water and added it to the sink with a couple of scoops of OxiClean and let it soak for an hour.  Well what do you know, it turned out all shiny and new, so sparkly I can see myself take a picture in it.  Hi friend, I forgot just how pretty you were :)  40 bucks saved, thank you very much. 
To end the night, I will leave you with this:
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 
1 Peter 4:10
I've been thinking a lot about this verse from our service today.  I'm praying about it.  I'm realizing how much it relates to this post and how much work we have to do in this life to be the models for our children.  I feel challenged, I feel intimidated and overwhelmed, but I feel positive. 
And with that, good night.
p.s. as always, I'm linking up to my sweet friend Heather's Life Made Lovely post, because even though random, this post was about lovely things for the senses, no?


  1. I am liking your playlist! I am curious to know what the blurred out songs are though =)

  2. I was about to spend an inappropriate amount of time trying to figure out the two pop songs on your list.... so instead I'll just wait to see what everyone else guesses. ;o)

    The scent mix sounds like a great idea! But do you leave your stove on all day? I have a gas range and that makes me nervous with little ones in the house. Or does the mix still put off scent when it's not cooking???

  3. I'm going to use your recipe for the simmering scent right away! Thanks for that bit of loveliness. And also the great tip on cleaning the tea kettle. Need to do that ASAP!

  4. Yummy, can't wait to buy some cloves and cinnamon sticks. I like the Mexi brand too and have used it before. Especially when I have to buy spices that I probably won't use that frequently. This is a great link up for Heather's blog. Glad you had a great church experience.

  5. Love your playlist. Is there any way you'd share the whole thing with us? I always like to know what music other people listen to to get them through their work day!

  6. Coming over from Heather's "Life Made Lovely Mondays." Perfect for her feature. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow, thanks so much for the tips about the potpourri and the Tampico spices! I'll definitely have to check those out.

    I enjoyed your blog very much. Please stop by mine when you get a moment!

  8. you are just full of simple inspiration lately, my friend. love the trick with the tea kettle! must do right away. also love the stove top smells recipe. we are big fans of tampico spices around here. the hispanic foods aisle in the grocery store is my kids fave. have a happy day friend!!

  9. Is #10 Baby by Justin Beiber? Please tell me it is. :)

  10. It must be music that the kids like . . .Baby (do you have Bieber Fever) and Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus (Party in the USA).

    One of the creative directors I know is going to the Bieber concert with kids in a suite at the Honda Center on Wednesday. He said living it up in a suite is the only way he can make it!

    Remember, nothing wrong with your playlist as long as it makes you happy! Music is a very personal choice!

    Have a fab day!

  11. Love the idea of the apples/orange/spices on your stovetop. Seriously, great idea! I am going to have to try that, thanks for the tip!

  12. Okay a couple of you guessed it right. It's Baby by Justin Bieber and Party In the USA by Miley Cyrus. And Laura (Sugar Mama) asked if I leave the apple/orange concoction on all day, and yes I do. I leave it on a low simmer and add water throughout the day as needed. Of course i turn it off if I leave the house, but so far we're all safe after doing this trick for over a year now!

  13. I had a feeling there might be some Miley in there! I just knew it. I think we all feel a little guilty about rocking out to Party in the USA... but how can you NOT? :D


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