Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Photos With Meg of Whatever

 Back in September Meg Duersken posted that she was going to be in Southern California visiting this rad girl, and was thinking of doing some photo sessions.  It was early in the morning (see, it pays to get up early), and I emailed her with the subject line "Are You KIDDING ME?!?!?"  I've been a fan of Meg's for a while, and I still remember the first post I read of hers.  It was about how her and Craig surprised all the kids, minus Annie I think, with tickets to see U2.  I remember she was bummed out that Fergie had cursed so much.  Since then I've been hooked to her bright and simple images of life around the house of a family of 7.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just as interested in getting family photos taken, as I was in meeting Meg in real life. 
So we arrive to our shoot right on time (a rarity for us), with a box of cake pops in hand to get started.  The shoot took place in Downtown Orange, filled with lots of cool old buildings and pretty architecture.  Julie encouraged us to go BRIGHT in our attire, which was a new venture for us.  We usually do the standard black or white shirts with jeans.  Boring, I know.  So since Meg specializes in color photographs, we went for it and wore an aqua and orange theme. 
 Things started out okay, but within about 10 minutes, it was clear it was going to be a rough day.
 First it started with Taylor acting completely silly, but silly bad, not silly good.  Art had to have a talking to, which she did not appreciate.
 Then Syd decided he didn't want to participate.  Back turned in below photo as evidence.
 Taylor cheered up and we got a few cute shots with her and daddy.
 But then they both turned sour, and so we had to break into the cake pops early.  They were supposed to be post-photo shoot treats.
 That perked them up for a minute.
 But then the sillies started again and we couldn't get any decent Mommy & Taylor shots, Mommy & Daddy shots, or Mommy & Syd shots.
 Art looks a little irritated below, don't you think?
 There's a sweet one.
 This was our attempt at a Syd & Daddy shot. 
 Somehow towards the end we did manage a couple more decent family shots.
 And then Syd for some reason, got depressed.
 And then he got mad.  And that was our cue that we were all done for the day. 
But not before Meg and I got to take a few shots.
 the one above is her taking my profile picture
Thanks Meg for a great photo shoot, even though my family was a little crazy.  You were so sweet and patient, and managed to even get a Christmas card worthy shot, amidst all the chaos.  Can't wait for you to come to Cali again!


  1. these are what memories are made of, darling… i love every last one of them. even the drama pouty one. hilarious!!
    i think it's funny that we moms have these awesome expectations of a flawless photo shoot. ha! i have a 19 and 20 year old and they STILL can't rock a shoot.
    oh. sorry. not very encouraging for you. my B.

    super SUPER cute jumper. like i'm dying it's so cute.
    and the kid inside it is SUPER beautiful. gah. so cute. and your little man is just so boy. love the one of him balancing in your hub's hand.
    meg rocked it. seriously.

  2. I LOVE the first one!!! That is my favorite family shot. And, the one of Taylor by herself is adorable & she looks EXACTLY like you. Wow. I am jealous you got to meet Meg, I love her!

  3. I love the one of you all in front of the church AND actually the one of Sid being mad and walking away! Its a sweet photo of him. :)

  4. Not trying to brag to the rest of your dear readers, but I GET ONE OF THESE CHRISTMAS CARDS!!! Whhaaattt?!? Wahoo!

    I loved ALL of them...especially the one of Syd with his back turned. Perfect!

  5. These made me smile. You all look amazing. taylor is just so PRETTY. And your narration is HILARIOUS!!

    The Tucker dress photographs amazingly! You look HOT, mama!

  6. Love these...candids look great, but I agree with Mel I love the first one. And you my dear are a stunning hot Momma!

  7. These are great! It's so hard to get everyone to look good at the same time. What a cute family. :)

  8. I did NOT know you two worked together on the photos!

    Seriously... you two are my top fave blogs to read. Maybe I did know that Meg took your pics... maybe that's how I came across your blog??? I don't remember.

    I'm just glad I found your blog. And Meg's blog. You two are absolutely adorable!

  9. I'm here from the remixers list...

    Your daughter's smile looks like your husband's and your son's smile looks like yours. Having little ones can make life challenging. Have you abandoned the challenge, as I've been tempted to do? If not, best of luck on the remaining days.


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