Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm feeling especially emotional today.  And I don't think it's a result of hormones or sleep deprivation.  As I was driving home from the grocery store this morning I got all teary eyed.  I was thinking about Art and his business, and how today his 2nd "official" employee starts.  It made me feel thankful and blessed, and not in a flippant "life is good" sort of way.  But I truly feel fortunate that we've made it this far through so many ups and downs.

Art quit his job of 9 years and started his business over 5 years ago when I was 8 months pregnant with Taylor. To say we were scared is an understatement.  Four clients that he had known from his previous job jumped ship and went with him because they trusted and had faith in him.  Since then he's grown that company from a home based business to one that required 500 sq. ft. of office space, to 900 sq. ft. and now to over 1800 sq. ft. with over 25 clients strong.  He's never taken out a small business loan, which is nothing short of a miracle.  We've fought over many things involving that business and it's taken a toll on our marriage at times.  It's been a bumpy road these last 5 years and I wish I could say that I always had the same faith that those first 4 clients had, but I'm human and I've had my doubts.  But here he is today, and I couldn't be prouder, and I know I don't say it enough.  I'm proud of myself in many ways too because I went back to work 4 months ago with focus and intent and we had our eyes on this prize.  As much as I am ready for 2010 to be over because of the many stresses and challenges it has brought, I also can't neglect the many ways it has blessed us.

Today, as I sit around the house with the kids on my first day of vacation and look around me, these are the little things I see and am enjoying on this rainy day.  I hope you too are finding some enjoyment in the little things that life brings our way.
 {grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup}
 {bedazzled horses}
 {sanding sugar for cookie baking tomorrow with the cousins}
 {impromptu art projects}
 {the JOY that reclaiming an old wreath can bring when you just add some scraps of ribbon}
 {pretty poinsettias}
 {Oh Deer - we have 2 men down}
 {the tree watering spout that allows me to add water without getting on my hands and knees}
 {cozy and festive beds that make me want to forget the dishes and take a nap}
 {cozy socks}
 {mercury glass trees}
 {pillow making fun}
 {rain, rain, don't go away.  we like you a lot}
 {no other time of year allows for your home to be so unabashedly shiny and sparkly}
{Christmas cards aplenty}


  1. I love this post.. i too started a business over 3 years ago on my own, with support from my now husband, it was the best thing I could have done and it has allowed me the pleasure of working on my own house while being home with our daughter..

    now how cool is that watering can? now that would bring on the enjoyment ;)

  2. Tomato soup & grilled cheese is totally our rainy day staple too! (Maybe it's everyone's?) Your photos make me want to be inside your cozy house instead of in my office! :)

  3. Go Art!! Well done, and a watering spout for the tree, GENIUS!!!!

  4. Congratulations to you both! I can imagine the pride you must both have over such a wonderful -- and hard-earned -- accomplishment. :) And I love the pictures from this post, too! Merry Christmas from our home to yours.

  5. oh, so excited and happy for you and your hubby! that's a lot of stress to handle, but it looks like it's all been well worth it. :) now sit back, relax, and enjoy these holidays with your precious family!

  6. Andrea-wonderful post. Colby and I have been on some of those same nerve racking journeys. It is a true test of your love and faith in your husband to make that leap into the unknown. To leave the safety and comfort of something that was so well established into the unknown is often a difficult journey. I am also proud of Colby, and what he has done for our family. I,too, am proud of both of us, for this has been a journey we have gone on together. I'm sure Art shares your same feelings, as you two have made the journey together. Have a Merry Christmas.

  7. What a happy post! Love the gratitude and all of the festive finery.

  8. Well said Andrea. Oftentimes when I read your blog I find myself pleasantly surprised at the beautiful way you have put something I have thought or felt into words. This post especially so. Thank you.

  9. 2011 will be an awesome year!!! It just has a nice ring to it, don't ya think? And congrats to your husband for sticking with it, being determined, and having faith.


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