Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Repaint or Leave?

 Help!  We're in the process of painting Syd's room and I'm afraid we've picked the wrong colors.  Keep in mind that these pictures are a little poor, but essentially the colors are true.  I was going for a light blue and stainless steel gray color scheme, but I may have went too light.  The top portion of the wall is a very faint gray/blue, which I am actually okay with.  But I think the 2" bead board on the bottom should have been a shade are two darker.  Right now it looks more gray sky than stainless steel. 

The chair rail above the bead board will be the same gray, and the 6" baseboard and all casings will be white.  The furniture in his room is a sleek espresso colored finish, and he has the Blast Off bedding from Target and the PB Teen locker end table in orange.  So the overall color scheme is blue and gray with pops of orange. 

So do we repaint the bead board a darker shade of gray, wasting time and money?  Or do we just leave it knowing that in another year or so the room will get torn apart if we ever do the remodel we're hoping to do.  We just need to rectify that pesky little issue of money.  Minor detail though, right?

Repaint or Leave?  Repaint or Leave?

What do you say?


  1. Leave it. I think it is pretty and subtle and if you are planning to remodel, there is not point in driving yourself crazy finding the perfect grey (which is a task and a half on its own). You already have dark/deep finishes with the furniture, bedding, and locker. Have you set all your finishes next to it? You might find that a darker grey won't be necessary.

  2. leave it! it looks nice, and the kicker was that you are planning to remodel in another year or so.

  3. Well - I won't be any help here, cuz I see both sides. I LOVE the color scheme you are talking about! So I initially say paint it.

    But the other side of me says put it up first and see if you can live with it for a while before you do the work. Especially if you are going to remodel.


  4. are with the PP of put it up and see than if you still want to paint it :)

  5. Hi Andrea,with the pops of color you are probably fine with the lighter and neutral paint colors. ....the worst that happens is you do not paint and then you can't live with it and then you either re paint or you wait until your remodel. It is going to be so cute no matter what and Syd is going to love it all the same, right?

  6. leave it, but that's just me.
    i think that once you get all of the bead board up it's going to look a little darker than it does now. besides, i think those colors, while they aren't what you envisioned in your head, are really great!

  7. Leave it because when he's 5 or 6 you'll probably want to change it up again, so it's not like a permanent, you're stuck with it kind of decision, especially if a remodel is in the future.

  8. ok, i'm going against the popular opinion and say paint the beadboard darker. seems like you need more contrast, or else it looks like a mistake almost. my money argument is that if the room is an average-sized bedroom, it will only take one gallon, which is about $15. and if it's flat, well covering paint, you may only need one coat. paint is the cheapest home improvement you can do for the amount of impact it has. yeah, i'm a little particular about style and color. but i'm at peace with myself. :)

  9. I say paint it darker!!! Theres not enough contrast for my liking.

  10. Because I am a freak with things like this, I say paint it. However, if you can live with it without it nagging at you while you read your son bedtime stories, then go for it and keep it. : )

  11. My friend Mary suggested via Facebook that I take the remaining 1/2 gallon of paint into the store and ask if they'll tint it a bit more for free. It's good paint (stupid, stupid me for not getting a sample first), so I can't justify wasting a whole gallon of it. If they can tint it, we will repaint, if not, then we'll just live with it. Luckily with the sprayer, and since the boards aren't up yet, it shouldn't take more than 45 minutes to get it done. Just the hassle of going back to the store. We'll see how it goes! Thanks for the feedback ladies :)

  12. Catching up on your posts today.
    I'm impressed with your Valentine's fervor. I can't seem to get into it much. And I am so excited for your sister's family. What an exciting day. I wish . . . ah, well. Let's leave it at that.
    As for the bedroom, I think if you want the gray to stand out more you need to paint it. Or paint the chair rail white. Then it will look more gray. Good luck.

  13. Initially I would say paint it b/c I like more contrast. HOWEVER, if you are thinking about remodeling in a year or so anyway, the practical side of me says "leave it" and worry about it then. Hope that's helpful. :)

  14. Hey Andrea! You’ve made great design choices so I think the room will look good either way, but as you mentioned you can go back to the store and have them darken the color. I’ve had to do this before and the store was great (they didn’t charge), and I was able to achieve the look I was going for.

    Best of luck! Can’t wait to see the finished result.

  15. screw gray go for silver - very spacey and more fun against the blue - go bold or go home ... that's my motto!

  16. hmmm i think it would look better with some more contrast! i saw paint it, you don't want to regret not doing it later if you're having doubts now!


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