Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!!

The winner of the Knitty Bitties camera strap cover is:

Thanks to everyone who entered.  Over 75 of you entered, that's the best reaction I've ever had to a giveaway!  Andrea recently added some new colorways to her shop, so even if you didn't win, please go on over and check it out!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh, and don't forget, you can still head on over to Cherry Tree Lane to enter a giveaway that I'm hosting.


  1. WAHOO!!! I am SO excited! I checked this morning and the winner wasn't up...kept reminding myself that I probably wouldn't win...and then could hardly believe that MY name was listed as the winner! yippee!!! THANKS SO MUCH!

  2. send me an email, or send one to the other Andrea and we'll get you hooked up!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate every single one. If you enable your email address I'd love to respond :)