Monday, March 14, 2011


I continue to be shaken watching the news footage of the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan last Friday.  Hundreds of thousands homeless, tens of thousands reported dead and/or missing, homes, buildings, farms ruined, and now news of radiation leaks.   People are without the basic necessities of food, water and shelter.  It doesn't seem fair, or right, that we are here living our lives like normal while half way around the world people's lives have been permanently altered.

I read Annie's post today and it suddenly became very obvious what my March Giving Project would be.  Her idea was such a good one that I wish I had thought of it myself.  But since I didn't, I'm at least glad she did.

I'm forfeiting the rest of our March budget and donating $150 to the Red Cross, and in addition, for every comment left here on this post I will donate an additional $5 to the Red Cross, up to $300.  No specific "rules" need to be met, just say hi or share any other ways you know of to help.  You can go here to make a specific donation to the Red Cross' relief efforts in Japan.  Visit this site for more ways to help through different organizations.

I felt like a jerk posting about nail polish on Friday, so I'm following my gut and taking the next couple of days off from blogging, but will return on Friday. 

Much Love,


  1. my heart breaks. it is so astounding.

    you have a big heart! thanks for the inspiration!

  2. You are not a jerk, in fact you are such an example of love sweet friend. Your heart is encouraging!


  3. this is so wonderful! you and Annie both are inspiring so many-thanks! xoxo
    other great places to support japan:
    samaritan's purse
    save the children

  4. Amen.

    I found this beautifully written prayer for Japan on John Piper's website:

  5. Andrea,
    You are a wonderful person and incredibly thoughtful for doing something like this (not a jerk). I hope you continue to blog. You are fantastic!!

  6. What a wonderful and touching idea Andrea. I too can't stop watching... am everyday astonished and sad at the new information and footage coming from there. =( How can we possibly help enough? This is a start - thank you. May other bloggers follow your lead!..xoxo

  7. thanks for doing this. so wish i could do more. it's a helpless, awful feeling to just watch the horrors unfold and feel so comfortable and removed.

  8. This is amazing and i think it's a wonderful thing you are doing!

    This is probably the most rewarding comment I have ever left

  9. Great idea to be so thoughtful to a place where such devastation has occurred. Through our giving, I pray they will know how real God is despite the conditions they are living in, or the people they have loved and lost.

  10. it's truly devastating. i'm just now watching the footage and my heart breaks over and over again. thank you for your generous heart. <3

  11. What a great idea - thanks for your generosity!

  12. AWESOME Andrea! Love you girl and your always-giving heart!

  13. So glad you're doing this too! Every little bit helps!

  14. What a great idea Andrea! I like how the phone companies make it as easy as sending a single word to a simple number to donate money from your phone bill - you've done just about the same in the way of ease of donating. Thank you for that!!

  15. Awesome Andi! The kids and I are making simple file folder games to donate through our was the most kid-friendly project I could find. :o)

  16. Thank you to you and Annie for your generosity! I am praying for our friends in Japan.

  17. Great idea, my sweet friend!

  18. I am praying for Japan :)

  19. Thank you for your generosity and kindness :)

  20. what an amazing idea! bless you

  21. You are awesome!!!! Such a great your heart. Praying for Japan.

  22. I admire your generosity, Andrea!

  23. How wonderful and giving of you!

  24. This is awesome of you. We're doing what (little) we can. Praying for Japan and everyone affected.

  25. We're giving through our church, and I know every single prayer has to help. So scary. So awful.


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