Sunday, April 10, 2011


I bought myself balloons.  Don't judge.  And I wore outfit #3.  I loved outfit #1 & #2, but after all the comments that clearly swayed the vote towards #3, it was hubby that got the final vote and he clearly voted for #3.  He is a dude after all.  Thank you all for chiming in with your opinion.  It was fun to read all the answers.  The party was fun and special and I just barely stuck my nose in to try and control a few of the details.  All in all Art was very proud of how little I did try to control though.  I think he said something to the extent of "I was surprised you didn't go into your normal freak out mode."  Thanks?  

Thank you to all my friends and family that came out and helped me celebrate a milestone of a birthday.  I had a great time and I hope you all did too.  Thanks especially to my sweet husband, for throwing an amazing celebration in my honor after I derailed your plans a bit.  As with everything, you took it in stride and it turned out just as it should.  At the end of the day, the Grandma Cake was even a hit.  I love you and am so blessed to have been able to celebrate my last seventeen birthdays with you.  I don't always do the best job of telling you how much I value you, but I do.  You always know just what I need and want, even before I do.  You are truly my mind reader.    

Since it was my birthday, we ended the night doing one of my favorite things; Just Dance 2 on the Wii.  Nothing spells 35th birthday party like video games right?  We now have in our possession some of the best video footage and photographs we've ever taken.  If any of the participants would like high quality prints to frame on your wall, just let me know, I'll hook you up.
{the Grandma cake; he told them I was turning 35, but they thought he said 85}
 {Me and Rachel}
 {Miranda made amazing cakepops}
 {Rachel, Shelly and Jen}
{Aaron and Rachel}
 {Sarah and me}
{My sister and two of my oldest girlfriends Kimberly and Amy}
{The Kitchen Crew - Winston & Mary, Maura, Nicole, Erin, Greg and Miranda and Ali}
And the best photo ever taken.  Look at how they're all in sync.  Perfection!


  1. happy birthday!
    looks like it was a delightful celebration.
    the grandma cake is hysterical;)

  2. Happy Birthday Andrea! So glad your party was a hit!
    p.s. how tall are you? You look like you are my height. I am 5'9....tall girls unite! :)

  3. I knew I loved you. We are 1976 AIRES sisters!! YAY =)
    You looked FAB in outfit #3 and I am so glad your party was a blast.
    Love your balloons. And You.
    Happy Day!

  4. Happy Birthday. That cake is hilarious and the last pic is the best! May this next birthday year be the best yet!

  5. Happy birthday!!! You look beautiful and happy, loved seeing these photos - thanks for sharing!

  6. Happy birthday! I LOVE the fact that you bought balloons...theres no reason you cant!:)
    Looks like you had a wonderful party and I love that last pic!
    *PS I love Mel's comment above. yes, tall girls unite. Im also 5'9"

  7. happy birthday!
    just dance 2 = perfect party!
    cake pops = sigh of contentment.

    thanks for the idea. i'm hosting easter brunch and am feeling all filled with some fun cake pop ideas! yay!

  8. I love all of the balloons! And your outfit! And the adorable picture of you and Rachel... you two are gorgeous! Looks like everyone had a fantastic time; happy birthday Andrea! You are rather fabulous at 35 :o)

  9. You look fabulous, and hell to the yeah on the balloons - its a must and moms buy everything so there aint nothing wrong with that girl :)

    I totally love you picked the short skirt, i think youll get lots of use out of it during the summer

  10. and im sorry I have to post again and laugh at the cake... that is AWESOME - Happy 85th birthday Girl - you rocked it out!

  11. NTS:

    1. I'm totally buying balloons for myself when I turn 35 (or hell, maybe when I turn 30).
    2. YOU LOOK GORGEOUS (so that's really a note to you, not to myself).
    3. PLAY JUST DANCE for birthday celebrations!!!

    Looks like you had a wonderful time! Happy birthday!

  12. You look amazing! Happy, happy day to you!

    (the cake seriously made me laugh!)

  13. i wish i knew what shelly and i were talking about that was so exciting!! hahah
    Great shin-dig!! love ya! Happy 35th!

  14. happy 35th! looks like the party was a smash! and just dance 2 is THE party game for all ages! i bet the photos of that are AWESOME.

  15. My what pretty flowers on that ol' cakey young missy...happy birthday bummed I missed it.

  16. What a fun party!!! Too bad we missed the dancing. : )

    PS - why am I making my scary face in our picture??? Ha!


  17. amazzzzing. i had a grown up wii party the other day - including dance games (they are clearly the best) and you definitely get some good shots. :)

    we were definitely not that synced!

  18. yay yay yay! a very happy birthday to you! what a fun celebration! you and your friends are just beautiful. i love seeing others celebrate their birthdays, & yours looks like a blast! so happy for you!

  19. It is birthday season around here, too. Hope your day was great.

  20. What a fun party! You looked too cute and not a day over 32! Hee hee! I totally blame you guys for dreaming about that game two nights in a row. Obsessing much?

  21. What a fun party! You looked too cute and not a day over 32! Hee hee! I totally blame you guys for dreaming about that game two nights in a row. Obsessing much?

  22. Looks like you had a blast! And I'm so glad you picked outfit #3! You look fantastic! :)

    Happy birthday!!!

  23. Looks like you had a blast! What a wonderful way to spend your birthday. You looked fab!!

  24. Happy Birthday friend...err a little late! Looks like you had a blast!


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