Monday, August 11, 2008

Where have we been?

well we've been around, but it turns out that after starting out at a 100 meter pace by feverishly posting every other day, I have now slowed down to a very slow and steady marathon pace, posing only once every couple of weeks.

Art has been working like a madman since he had to move offices just a couple of weeks ago and is still trying to get everything in order. I have been busy with work, organizing Syd's dedication last weekend and keeping the kids busy and happy (trying to at least) in this hot August weather.

Last Sunday we dedicated Sydney at Parkcrest and had a wonderful day with family and friends. He got a ton of books, which he loves to read and a couple of really nice crosses that we need to hang in the room! One already broke in the same exact fashion that one of Taylor's broke when she was Syd's age.
He is officially walking now but still is yet to feel comfortable standing on his own. So if he falls down with no place to prop himself up in sight, he will crawl. But other than that he is officially a walking toddler! He also finally got another tooth last Monday! I had said in a previous post that he hadn't had any teeth come in since march, but now he officially has 5. The 6th tooth should be threw any day now too.

Taylor continues to do well at swimming and is having a great summer playing with her friends and doing various activities. In the last 2 weeks we have been to the Discovery Science Center and she took a week long class at the Natural History Museum in LA with her cousin Tavi. Today we go to the beach, Wednesday we go watermelon picking, the beach again on Thursday and then we leave for Cambria on Friday. This kid has got the life!

I'm on my laptop so can't post any pictures right now, but will try to really soon. Probably though not until we get back from our vacation next week. Woo Hoo! I can't wait, the countdown is on!

Andrea and gang


    well we've been around, but it turns out that after starting out at a 100 meter pace by feverishly posting every other day, I have now slowed down to a very slow and steady marathon pace, posing only once every couple of weeks.

    LOL! Post pictures!! (o:

  2. I've been on a complete slow-down myself. Hyperactive with the blog in June/July and where have I been since the July 4th? Who knows....
    It was nice to read your blog and see I'm not alone. Hope you had fun in Cambria.


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