Saturday, October 18, 2008

On the Mend

What a week it has been! last friday Sydney came down with a horrible cold combined wtih the stomach flu! He threw up multiple times that day and my mom and Art did a wonderful job taking care of him, poor bubba. I had to work that day so missed the puke fest!
I got my payback though on Sunday night. Taylor and I had went to visit my friend Jenn who now has a very cute baby bump (I think she's about 24 weeks along), and Taylor started complaining that her tummy hurt. We packed up and after just about 5minutes in the car she started throwing up. We stopped at the gas station where I had to change her and she threw up again! It was a gross mess. She continued to throw up multiple times throughout the night and we had to was everything! about 5 sets of pj's, the comforter, towels, you name it.
Art and I came down with the stomach flu Monday night and had to call in sick the next day. Tuesday was a rough one. Syd was back to puking and was a complete NIGHTMARE!

I have officially become a germ freak now. I went to Target and bought a bunch of anitbacterial wipes as to clean every surface in public that my children touch! I cannot handle Sydney being sick all winter long.

The worst part of the whole thing is that we had to cancel our trip to visit my BFF Lea in AZ. :( We had it planned for months to come out but between the kids not being up to the 6 hour trip and Art having to catch up on lost time, there was no way we could swing it. Sorry Lea!

I will be back later to post some pics from last weekend and music class.

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