Friday, July 17, 2009

From the 40's Andrew Sisters to the Streets of Brazil!

Concert in the Park above
Hollywood Bowl Pics below

Another busy summer week but at least I have a bit of a tan to speak of :) It wasn't all just shuttling kids around day after day. Our highlights of the week were:

1. Hitting up Concert In the Park for the first time this season at Los Cerritos Park. A ton of our friends went and we had a potluck style dinner with Mexican as the theme. There was so much food and it was all delicious. I went back to my taco bell days and made Cinnamon Crispas! Remember those? Back in the day I remember it didn't get much better than a bean and cheese burrito, nachos and Cinnamon Crispas from T Bell. Now I've resorted to drinking tablespoonfuls of cod liver fish oil. Blah! Anyhow, overall a good time was had by all and the kids LOVED dancing and hearing a 40's Andrews Sisters tribute band play.

2. I had a meeting with Royal Underground, a clothing company founded by Kelly Gray and Nikki Sixx and it went great! I was immediately given a project and started on it that day. It was a small Product Knowledge piece and turned it in yesterday. They loved it! Yippee :) Just call me a freelance product knowledge writer now :)

3. I got the majority of the text written for CIU's new Website that we hope to launch in the next few weeks. I also called some potential customers that I met at the Quickbooks seminar last week and we may be doing some work for one of them. Just call me the Sales & Marketing lady for CIU Networks now too!

4. Thursday was Taylor's yoga class and swimming afterwards. Caroline and Olivia and Ali joined us too and we had a great time at the pool. This is where I got my tan :) Taylor can now swim on her back! I'm so so proud of her :)

5. Today we went to the Hollywood Bowl for Summer Sounds, a children's concert series, with my sister and Andrew. Each week is a new theme and today's theme was Brazil. We saw the Brazilian dance troop and also saw a break dancing group. It was awesome and the kids LOVED getting to take pictures afterward with all the performers. They didn't allow any pictures of the performance so I was kind of bummed, but at least we could take pics afterwards.

A busy but great week. Now here's to the weekend!

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