Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Activity For the Kiddos

We brought in pumpkins to Taylor's preschool on Friday and they used golf tees to poke holes in the pumpkins so they could in turn stick feathers in them to decorate. Many of the kids really seemed to enjoy pounding the tees in more than the actual decorating. So we put some golf tees to use this morning and started pounding away.

Taylor liked just using one tee and poking holes in her pumpkin again and again

Syd's philosophy though was the more the better. My thoughts exactly! Look at how hard he's working at this. Great for hand-eye coordination, especially for the 2 and 3 year olds.

Of course now these pumpkins will be more susceptible to mold and rot sooner because of the holes, so we'll either carve these right away or boil them up to make puree. Enjoy!

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