Sunday, February 21, 2010


Our weekend:
  • Attended Blog Sugar...more details to come with pictures. Let's just say, lots of awesomeness, and I left home with SWAG! So fun. Met so many great women including her, her, her, her, her, and her to name just a few. Fun, Fun, FUN.
  • Worked here for a few hours.
  • Went ice skating
  • Had them over for dinner
  • Went to the Long Beach flea market and got some vintage goodness
  • Went to church
  • Went to an herbal remedies class
  • Had the parents over for dinner
  • Had a regrouping meeting with Art. Bottom line: we need to get back on track with a schedule for the kids. Chaos has been abundant round these parts and we need to get back on track. This includes meal plans again for me. More on that later...
  • Made an awesome worship CD playlist for me and the kids. Mix of kids and grown up worship songs for us to listen to in the car. Some highlights: How Great Is Our God by Chris Tomlin, Mighty to Save and Hosanna by Hillsong and Every Move I Make by Cedarmont Kids. Listening to it right now and it's awesome!
Phew, I'm tired!

Coming this week, pictures from Blog Sugar, pictures of my vintage finds and a new weekly subject post. I was inspired at Blog Sugar and am going to finally do a post about something that I have wanted to do for a long time!

Until next time my friends...


  1. It was great to chat with you a bit too on Friday.. wish it was longer though! :) Your playlist are some of my faves.. Mighty to Save. Ahhhh. THe message of that one gets me every.single.time. A few weeks ago, my girls were singing it in the car. Seriously, cried. Hope to chat again. Love your blog, by the way. Office Space... one of my faves.:)

  2. I can't believe I got a shout out and didn't even know it! I also can't believe I haven't already added you to my list. How'd that happen? Anyway, you are added now baby! P.S. Love the office space photo on the next blog. :)

  3. P.S. I'm going to check out those worship songs. I haven't heard of the last one. I have a worship playlist on my blog somewhere, if you need some more song ideas. I've been listening to it almost every day and love it!

  4. It is remarkable, very good information


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