Friday, April 30, 2010

And the Winner Is....

Good evening my friends.
So sorry to leave you on baited breath today.
I thought I would have time to announce the winner earlier today, but...
The photo shoot prep had me a little, er, a lot preoccupied.
I was making yo-yo's and skirts up until 5 minutes before we had to leave for the shoot.
But I am here to say that I am on CLOUD NINE.
Such a relief to get all the samples done.
And such a sense of accomplishment.  It went swimmingly.  The girls were all professionals.
And speaking of professionals...
Melissa Brandman was amazing.  Thank you, thank you Melissa.  You made me feel legit, so thank you. 

And now, the moment you have all been waiting for.
Using a random number generator, the winner is:
Kimmie at Live Fancy!
Kimmie said: "My favorite sound is my children's laughter. Not the laughter when I do something silly to SEE them laugh. The sound that comes from a separate part of the house that shows me that their friendship is blossoming without my encouragement. That sound makes my heart sing. I hope to never forget it for the next 100 years."

Congratulations Kimmie!  Shoot me an email and we can discuss the deets for getting you your Marta Writes Mini Journal.

Thank you to everyone else that entered the giveaway.  I loved reading everyone's answers and learning what your favorite sounds are.  My favorite sound right now are the wind chimes that hang outside my kitchen door.  I have never owned wind chimes so it's a novelty for me.

For those that are new to my blog and hopped on over here from either Marta Writes or from tweets and facebook, welcome and I hope you come back and see me again.

Good night my friends.  I will sleep good tonight, that's for sure.


  1. Melissa Rocks! She worked so amazingly with those girls and the pics will be fabulous indeed! Great job Melissa, Models, and the Childrens designer to the dear friend andrea:) MUAH!!!

  2. I had so much fun yesterday!!! The dresses/skirts are ADORABLE and the "models" were so professional.

    Can't wait to show you more of the pics!

  3. Love the dresses! Way to go!


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