Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Taylor

Today my sweet girl, you turned 5.
To say you're growing so fast is too easy a cliche to use.
You're not just growing, but becoming.
Becoming a girl we are so proud of.
You are brave, courageous, strong, sweet, sly and mischievous.
Sometimes I don't know if I should give you a sweet pinch on the cheek or a soft smack on the bum.
You are though, doing what every 5 year old should be doing.
Testing your limits and your boundaries.
When you've gone too far, you simply reply with the tenderest of voices, "I'm so sorry."
This weekend you threw my phone in the pool and gave your brother a fat lip.
I then watched you help your daddy pump gas on the side of the road in the middle of the desert.
I saw you smile off in the distance at no one and nothing in particular, so proud of yourself.
So happy to perform what we grown-ups often think of as such a simple and mundane task.

Last night you made spider web parfaits in the tub using cobwebs, batter, snow, ice cream and yogurt.
It was delicious.
You are imaginative beyond words.  This alone makes me so proud.
I hope it carries you far in life my sweet girl.
Taylor, my first born child, I never knew I could feel a love so deep.
When I look in those gorgeous green eyes, I never thought I could feel so close to God.
His creation.
Made just for Him.
Honored to be given the assignment as your Mom and Dad.
We thank God for you everyday.

Today was such a special day.  Daddy and Mommy were with you at school.

We made a special snack
You wore a cape and crown (always so serious my Taylor)
And your friends each brought you a flower from home
They sprinkled you with birthday dust and sang a sweet song:
Flowers in love we bring to you, 
birthday child, dear birthday child...
We ate ice cream with a good friend
And you blew out your candles.  All 5 of them, all by yourself.
Happy Birthday Taylor.  We love you more than words can say.


  1. Awww...I am totally teary eyed. She is darling and I love the school pics! Precious

  2. So sweet.
    Happy Birthday Taylor.
    Congratulations to you Andrea for bringing her to where she is now and allowing her to grow and live and love!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for sharing your Taylor true when you use the word becoming...she is an old soul...enjoy these times, they go by so quickly!!

  5. Happy birthday, Taylor! You are so beautiful and we are so lucky to know you! xoxo, Katie and Laura Bromlow

  6. Love, love, love the pics and post! Taylor looks so serious and regal in her cape and flowers. C has quite the imagination too. We should have you over to play--and for tacos and cerveza, of course!

  7. it may be the hormones, but I started tearing up while reading this. i know it is right around the corner for us.
    Happy Birthday to your baby. well done, mom!!!
    my love,

  8. You are so very lucky to have such a sweet and caring child Andrea. Taylor really is a special soul. The way she treats Ellie is unusual (since she's so much younger) and Ellie adores her! Happy birthday sweet girl!

  9. Happy Birthday Taylor! And, such a sweet and heart-warming post by your mother to honor and celebrate your special day. xoxo

  10. Thank you all so much for the sweet words about my little girl. I think she is pretty darn special too, and it feels so good to not worry about her being shy anymore. Gosh, the hours and energy I wasted on that! She is who she is and that's alright with me!

  11. Her school looks AMAZING! Is she in kindergarten? I cried the ENTIRE day my girl turned 5. I'm proud of you, mama!


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