Friday, May 7, 2010

Playgrounds & Lollipops - My Green Chucks

Hi Guys,
This is all I've got today.  No time to get pictures taken.  Art left early.  Miranda wasn't available.  So I've been left to my own devices and have resorted to this.  Sorry folks.  I'm sure you'll understand.

Moving me green chucks.   Don't they remind you of high school?  Lea tried to dissuade me from getting them, but I stood strong.  Sorry though Lea, you were wrong :)  I love these.  I wear them all the time and get a ton of compliments on them.  They have even earned me some street cred.  Recently a bleached blond, tatted up hard-core chick said "Cool shoes."  Yup, I know.  Thanks for noticing.

They go with so many things.  But my favorite way to wear them is with my Hudson Jeans, this hot pink top from Old Navy, and my fancy floral scarf, also from Old Navy.

I'm looking forward to this weekend.  It should be a good one.  As you know it has been a heavy hearted week for me, but I'm feeling great right now and looking towards the future.  Starting it off right with a little cocktail soiree at a friend's parent's house on the Canal, and then a Duffy ride.  How high school is that?  Partying at the parent's house.  Whoop-whoop!  I actually never partied at any parent's houses (I took my first drink of alcohol in college, honest).  But that's what they always did in movies.  Speaking of high school yet again, anyone a Real Housewives of New York City fan?  Yes?  No?  Well I'll leave you all with my favorite quote of last night's episode:
"You're a mean girl and you're in high school!"   
Booya!  Take THAT, Jill Zarin!


  1. I LOVE your green Chucks and I love the RHofNY. I'm about to watch it on DVR right now. Happy Mothers Day!

  2. Great to see you and the kids at the park today. Glad to see that Syd got to keep his sticks :-) We stayed until almost 2 then hit the library! They are napping now (yeah!).

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  3. You know I love those shoes... and Alex's comment with her hive ridden neck.... fabulous!

  4. Those colorful shoes are RAD. Like the Housewives, too, but haven't seen this weeks episode. The trashier the better. Happy Mom's Day!!

  5. i actually had a pair of green chucks in high school! haha, it's so funny to think about that.

    love yours!!
    happy weekend to you :)

  6. It was a very high brow evening, now if you really wanted to make it seem like HS you should have been throwing up out of the duffy!


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