Friday, June 11, 2010

Playgrounds & Lollipops - A Mess On the Inside, Put Together On the Outside

June 11th &10th, 2010

On the 10th I wore this outfit all day to take my car to the shop (because I believe the guys at the shop treat you with more respect if you look presentable), to Fashion Island for lunch, and to have friends over for dinner for the Lakers Game.  I also wore this outfit this morning to Taylor's Kindergarten orientation.

Skirt: Ann Taylor Loft (paid about $14.99 for it!)
Shirt: Forever 21
Jacket: From local boutique Tullemoss
Shoes: 9 West
Necklace: H&M
Ring: My wedding band from our 10 year anniversary

When my neighbor Shelly saw me this morning she said, "wow you like like the put together mom" (or something to that effect).  Aha!  My plan is working then!  While I may have looked very proper and put together on the outside, I am a mess on the inside about Taylor starting Kindergarten.  Be warned, I will be one of those crazy moms on the first day of school bawling her eyes out and clutching for my baby as she walks through the threshold to start her life as a big kid.  So be careful when you make insensitive comments about "those moms".  I will be one of them.  In fact I was one of them this morning during the orientation.  I was literally a mess, crying ever 2 minutes the principal referenced how big of a step this is.  Art kept nudging me saying "Get it together, snap out of it."  That only made me cry more.

But hey, at least I looked somewhat cool and collected, right?  Right?

This outfit has gotten me through 3 occasions this week by the way, including a baby shower.  I love the skirt and the fact that it does not wrinkle.  Hooray for maintenance free clothes! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  We're off to the beach!


  1. Love the outfit and never would've known by the photos that you're a mess on the inside :) Good luck!

  2. so jealous of the beach time! you DO look put together and so cute, too. don't worry, we're all that mom it's just some choose to fake it. i will be with you. weeping like a baby!

  3. Carrie and I cried at kindergarten orientation too. And every morning for the past week or so we encourage each other not to sob hysterically as we drop off/pick up during the last days of kindergarten. It is emotional have been warned. The year FLIES by and it is the most wonderful year EVER. I can only tell you that watching your baby march off on the first day isn't nearly as hard as knowing that your baby survived an entire year without needing you by her side. Yeah. I'm mean for telling you, I know. Just prepare yourself. And if you struggle, call me and I will be at your side with Nutella and a hug.


  4. Love the outfit! My oldest had her last day of Kindergarten today. I seriously can not believe it! I was in your shoes a short year ago!

  5. Love that outfit how cute! I just discovered your blog and love it and thanks for the comment on my blog! I was just kind of hopping around on Twitter and came across your twitter and then found your blog! It is lovely! Have a great time at the beach!

  6. I love this outfit, it's so chic! The skirt was a great deal!


  7. You look fab, as always, girl! The Nubs has her last day of preschool today. That means no more preschool days ever for me. I am a little teary. I think I made need a donut. :)

  8. Love the outfit! I am now considering dressing up this week when I take my car to the shop. I can't even begin to say the "K" would being on the ugly cry!

  9. Awesome outfit! I especially love your jacket!!

  10. WOW - have I been MIA for this long - I missed so many good posts including this AWESOME P&L - I adore that skirt!!!
    And I am with you on the Kindergarten thing... boooo... hoooo......
    I haven't decided. Hmmmm, ask me late August :D I will probably be leaning towards the first one!


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