Friday, July 9, 2010

Playgrounds & Lollipops - No Memory

Thursday July 8th, 2010

Watson's Pharmacy for lunch with the kids and some other friends

Sweater: Loft
T-Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: Marshall's
Pin: c/o Pleated Poppy
Belt: Gap
Shoes: Anthropologie

Well folks, this is all you're gonna get to see of our trip to Watson's in Old Town Orange yesterday, what I wore.  The stars were not aligned yesterday, or it was a full moon because it was a weird day.  I watched my friend's little girl yesterday, so on top of having to get my 2 ready by 9 am, I had a 3rd to contend with.  While rushing out of the house to make another mechanics appointment down in Newport Beach, I remembered my camera...but not the memory card.  I discovered this sad fact once we had already arrived (late) to Old Town Orange.

I had visions of snapping a whole slew of pictures of this darling town for a great series of blog posts, which included my Playgrounds & Lollipops post for today, standing in front of a charming old building.  Instead you have to settle for the front of my house, again.  So no cute pictures of 7 little girls sipping milk shakes or 2 rambunctious 3 year old boys wreaking havoc down the aisles of a old drug store.  Too bad so sad.

As we were leaving this town, I was trying to get my 3 in charge across the street, a man in a big Mercedes nearly pushed us out of the crosswalk, almost hitting Syd, to which I yelled, "Are you kidding me?!?!"  To which he yelled, "Move along Weirdo!!!"  To which I thought, "does this outfit make me look weird?"  I think not. 

So yeah, the outfit, sort of the point of this post, but I realize the point of this post is being lost on my memories of the day we had.  I like it, what do you think?  The skirt was originally intended as my 4th of July outfit, but realizing it wasn't quite patriotic enough, I decided to keep it anyhow.  For $12.99 why the heck not?  I loved that it had the perfect sized belt loops to fit this thick belt I've had for years and never seem to be able to wear.  Throw in a cute T-shirt, and done.  It's been cold here in So Cal by the way, so I'm still carrying around a sweater and decided to get a few more uses out of my favorite shoes before sandal season is permanently here.

Take that Weirdo man in the huge Mercedes!  Shame on you!  I hope you couldn't sleep last night thinking about how you yelled at a poor mom and her three children.


  1. Love this look! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. yeah!! shame on him!!
    love the outfit.
    enraptured by the flowers behind you.
    kindred spirit with the forgotten SD card on a recent outing (grrr)

    you did a lovely job painting a picture with words.

    thanks for sharing!

  3. Those shoes are majorly adorable. You do not look like a weirdo!! That guys weird for not understanding crosswalks!

    Thanks for sending this over my way! I saw your tweet and couldn't resist (even during office hours, I'm so risky!)

  4. Love those shoes!

    And, really, who uses the term "weirdo" anymore? And when has it ever been applied to a mom and her three kids? That guy needs to get a dictionary!

  5. okay, i want the whole outfit! so stinkin' cute!

  6. i love marshalls! how can you beat anything for $12.99! i love the whole outfit and it definitely does NOT make you look like a weirdo in any which way. clearly that man was on drugs or something.

  7. Is it wrong that I am laughing at this? I mean the word weirdo just seems so... unexpected, but honestly funny.

    ps: you are adorable, no weirdness there.

  8. we've eaten there too. love it! you look darling. shame on the mercedes man.

  9. Love reading your blog - truth, inspiration and fun. Thank you!

  10. Haha! thanks everyone for your replies. Thinking about that guy calling me a weirdo still makes me chuckle.


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