Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apple & Romano Toasted Baguettes with Fig Spread

It seems that my camera became more of an appendage than I had previously thought.
I feel lost without my camera.
Can't quite find my blogging feet without it, hence the lack of posts in the last week.
I don't even have the motivation to take pictures with my point and shoot.
The good news is that we discovered it is not the camera itself that is broken, but the lens.
So I have caved and we will be buying a new lens this week, either from B&H or Craig's List.
The deadline is Wednesday afternoon because Syd starts his first day of preschool on Thursday and momma needs her camera to take 1000 pictures.

So in the meantime, I leave you with one of my favorite fall appetizer recipes.
It is almost fall right?
It sure feels like it here in Southern California.
Cinnamon sticks, cozy sweaters and my favorite candle are calling my name.
This appetizer is fast, easy, and impressive.
It's a twist off a Giada recipe, and I love me some Giada, toothy grin, busty necklines and all.

Apple & Romano Toasted Baguettes with Fig Spread:
1 french bread baguette
1/2 granny smith apple
Jar of fig spread (I get the Fresh  & Easy spread, but Trader's has a version as well)
Pecorino Romano, both grated and sliced
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Slice up your baguette and spread with some olive oil
add some of the grated Ramano cheese
toast in the oven for about 7 minutes @ 350
get out your fig spread and add a dollop
then top with a thinly sliced apple
then add a slice of shaved Romano
and all done!  
I hope to be back in full force in the next few days, so thanks for hanging in there with me and letting me post an old (but tried and true) recipe that I shot last fall and forgot to post!  Other than that, have a great week everyone and good luck to all my friends whose little ones start Kindergarten this week!

P.S. I'm linking up to Heather's Life Made Lovely Monday


  1. Yum! That would be a great dinner (with a big salad) on those soccer practice nights when dinner is late.

  2. is it weird that those pictures have me drooling? i'm going to make this for dinner tonight with a little soup. can't wait to see syd's back to school photos!!

  3. That sounds amazing! Might have to make a special trip to pickup fig spread. Happy to have found you through Heather's blog!

  4. Wow... yum! I have never bought that cheese... it looks SO good! ;) I love cheese.


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