Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trade as One Gift Guide

"What if our spending could actually be used to fix problems, than cause problems?"
For the last two years the organization Trade as One has come to our church and set up a boutique before Christmas, to allow congregation members to purchase Free Trade items.  Across the country 10,000 bought fair trade through Trade as One, and created 100 full time jobs.  By shopping through Trade as One, it allows us a chance to use our spending power for good.  We're all going to end up at the mall this Holiday season, or shopping online at Amazon (or maybe not after last week's debacle), or of course, at Target, but the thought is to use a portion, or all, of that spending power to buy fair trade and have a chance to help provide jobs for those in impoverished nations.  Jobs that help work themselves out of poverty and provide an income for their family.

To be perfectly honest last year when this group came to our church, I didn't purchase anything.  There were a handful of excuses I gave, but this year, my heart and mind couldn't say no, and I purchased some of the things I list below.  Other items are just plain cool.  You don't have to wait for Trade as One to come to your church, just visit their site and you can shop from home.  Flat rate shipping is just $5.  If you have a chance, please also watch the video Trade as One produced at the very end of the post.  It is amazingly creative and inspiring. 
wood bead bracelet set of 3 (give away all 3 or keep 1 for yourself) - Shop
tree free notebook (Taylor will love this to practice her printing) - Shop
windowpane scarf perfect for a Secret Santa or your sister in law - Shop

floral head wrap - Shop
Africa toss pillow in Aqua - Shop
ivy vine cuff - Shop

child's kangaroo top - Shop
paper bead earrings - Shop
paper bead necklace - Shop
bamboo bowl and servers - Shop
recycled plastic trash can - Shop
Ollie string doll - Shop


  1. diggin the skateboarder dude. super cute!!

    and yep… i am gift giving with a purpose.

    coffee and mugs from

    water bottles from

    donations to our food pantry with gifts of cooking utensils…

    giving with a purpose is so cool…

    i'm a huge fan of the advent conspiracy.

  2. ps
    love that video. i wish i was that clever! and so skilled with a sharpie and crayons! ; )


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