Monday, November 29, 2010

Why You Wouldn't Want To Be Married To Me

I'll make you start a monumental project on Sunday, the last day of a 4 day weekend, all the while, making you think it was your idea. 

And to add insult to injury, the next day when you take my car to work so you can stop by and get me new tires, you'll run out of gas on the way to the station, because I hate to get gas and habitually run it on fumes.

p.s. full mantel and fireplace before and after photos to be revealed tomorrow!


  1. Again, cracking me up. Can't wait to see after shots!

    (And I'm the same way about gas... It's caused a few problems in the past that I may or may not take full responsibility for...)

  2. I swear Art told me at least 3 stories where you left him with no gas to run out, I guess he can add one more to the list!
    Good thing you have some pretty great qualities to make up for the neurosis!

  3. hooray for the powers of white paint! can't wait to see the reveal.
    p.s. your husband is a rock star.


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