Sunday, December 26, 2010

He Used A Coupon

While Christmas 2010 will be remembered by many things, including the year Taylor got her first pair of roller skates, and Syd received his first remote control car, it will also be forever idealized because of the handiest little gadget I could have ever received, a milk steamer/frother.  For a coffee lover like me, it was the perfect gift and I have already used it several times since yesterday. 
This morning I took my cup of coffee up a notch by making some simple syrup.  I split the batch in two and added peppermint extract to one cup, and vanilla extract to the other (1/2 tsp of peppermint and 1 tsp of vanilla per 1/2 cup).  The results were heavenly.  While the sweetener that they use at regular coffee chains is quite rich, causing me to usually request half the number of pumps they normally add, this simple syrup is nice and light and just adds a hint of flavoring to the coffee.  I made a peppermint mocha and a vanilla latte for myself, and a regular mocha for Art.  To get more of that rich espresso flavor, I also added an extra scoop of beans to the coffee maker, which worked out quite nicely.  The frother that Art bought is made by Keurig, and although a little expensive, it works like a charm and is ridiculously simple.  Turns out he bought it at Bed, Bath and Beyond too.  It took all the strength I had yesterday morning to not go all Kate Gosselin on him and ask if he used a coupon.   I nonchalantly asked him a few hours later though and it turns out he did in fact use a coupon.  Good man.


  1. now i want a coffee. your froth is picture perfect!

  2. Sounds amazing! I'd love one of those gizmos!

  3. I don't even drink coffee, but that looks DIVINE! I may have to get one of those to add some oomph to my hot cocoa. :-)



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