Friday, December 17, 2010

New Traditions - Lovely Classics

{weathered copy of Little Women}
My father started a Christmas tradition when I was about 10 that sadly only lasted a couple of years.  He started a collection for me of special and unique editions of hardbound classic books that I had loved reading.  It began with Little Women, then The Wizard of Oz, and stopped when I was 13 with The Chronicles of Narnia.  I'm not sure if he just forgot to carry on the tradition, or if he was so irritated with my pubescent teenage mood swings by the end of the year, that he gave up.  In either case, I cherish those few special books I have.  Last month Taylor discovered my copy of the Wizard of Oz and has now adopted it into her own collection.  Reading that book prompted her to change her Halloween costume from Sleeping Beauty to Dorothy.  Take that Disney.  

When I discovered that Penguin Books had released a collection of special edition clothbound children's classics in beautiful rich hues at Anthropologie, I knew I had to pick up where my dad had left off, and start a special collection of classics for my own children.  Hence, a new tradition has been born in our household.  
I chose Robin Hood for Sydney, The Secret Garden for Taylor (a personal favorite from my childhood), and Anne of Green Gables for a family friend.  I have not read the proper full length version of Robin Hood so I am excited to read it to Syd, although he is still a bit young for chapter books.  Taylor devours them and even though these copies do not have illustrations, I don't think she'll mind.
  The covers are so beautiful with bright colors and deep embossing
They look so pretty all lined up and stacked, ready to be loved.  I so look forward to a departure from the kid's usual selections of Junie B. Jones and Lightning McQueen.  Anthropologie carries 6 books, but in reading the reviews on Anthro's site, I noticed that the collection also includes The Call Of the Wild, another personal favorite of mine, and Black Beauty, Taylor's favorite story.  She already owns 2 copies of it, but my little horse lover would surely love a 3rd copy don't you think?  I've got to track those down to add to our collection, perhaps for their birthdays.

Are there any special Christmas gifts that you give every year?  I love hearing other Christmas traditions that families pass on.  Happy Friday everyone!


  1. This is such a wonderful idea~ and those books are so beautiful!

  2. I absolutely LOVE this idea! So much so, I think I must copycat. I love to read and am always looking for ways to pass that onto my children.

    My girls are just beginner readers and JunieB is very much still beloved in this house. But I can't wait to share these kinds of stories with them. Maybe a read-aloud first...and then in a couple years they can enjoy on their own. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Such a sweet idea! You kiddos will treasure it for sure!

  4. i think this is so cool! and they are so pretty, too.

    i'm with erin. i think i'll copy cat you on this one.

  5. I ordered 2 of these books and they came in last week. One for Kiran and the other one for my niece. I hope they love it as much as I do.

  6. I love to give books... and I noticed The Secret Garden in the collection above. That was one of my very favorite books! I read it several times and dreamed of finding that garden.

    One of our family traditions that my mom did with me and my siblings as a kid is letting each one of my children pick out an ornament from Hallmark. When the grow up and move out some day they will take their ornaments with them.

  7. I love books, and I love the colours of those books.
    My girl is only 1 but her book collection is amazing :) I hope she continues to take an interest in them just like I do

  8. Those books are gorgeous! I love the idea of starting that tradition too.

  9. They also carry other adult novels with beautiful covers including Jane Austen. I bought myself A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens and will definitely add more to my collection b/c they are so pretty!
    Good to know about the children's books! Thanks for the tip!

  10. My mom did the same thing as your dad every Christmas. I had quite a collection of the classics as a kid! The girls have inherited that collection.

  11. Ooh, gorgeous books! What a great idea!

  12. What a lovely tradition - I was a voracious reader as a kid (and still am) and this is such a great way to teach that habit to your children.

    This may be an obvious tip, but these editions are also available on for ~$14 instead of the $20 anthro charges. just search "penguin classics"!

  13. What a lovely tradition - I was a voracious reader as a kid (and still am) and this is such a great way to teach that habit to your children.

    This may be an obvious tip, but these editions are also available on for ~$14 instead of the $20 anthro charges. just search "penguin classics"!


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