Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

"I don't really want more time; I just want enough time.  Time to breathe deep and time to see real and time to laugh long, time to give You glory and rest deep and sing joy and just enough time in a day not to feel hounded, pressed, driven or wild to get it all done-yesterday...the twenty-first century, with its 'live in the moment' buzz phrase that none of the whirl-weary seem to know how to do, who actually knows how to live with soul and body and God all in sync?  I just want time to do my one life well."

I'm taking my time with this book, savoring each paragraph and letting the words sink in.  Trying not to rush through it like I usually do.  Stopping, thinking, rereading the words again.  When I came across this passage yesterday afternoon, on the Eve of a new year, a fresh start, I came to tears, it hit me so squarely in the chest I had to stop and close my eyes for a bit.

Today as we start a new year, some of us with lists of goals to accomplish and resolutions to live a better life, may we stop and take the time this year to just live, wherever we may be in that list. 
Happy New Year friends.  I am so thankful to have each and one of you that read this blog.  Even though I don't have the time much anymore to respond to comments and stop and just thank you, I want you to know that you riding along with me on this journey has meant a lot to me.  I look forward to another year and I hope I can do you proud.


  1. Ann V. is so crazy amazing with words. Love love love her. Thanks for sharing an excerpt...I need to get her book one of these days. Lovin' your blog too :)

  2. I love this quote Andrea. It was a good day for me to read it yesterday too. I was relishing the great day I had with my boys and loving every minute of it, even though we are all sick as dogs. Sometimes parenting "solo" like I do, at times, is a heavy burden, but days like yesterday it was definitely a blessing. Happy New Year to you and your family. xoxo

  3. P.S... I must have been reading this **early*** this morning before going to bed. :P

  4. Happy New Year to you too! I've been visiting you during my blog hiatus, even if I wasn't commenting :) I'm glad to be back though.


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