Sunday, January 16, 2011

Worth the Wait

{from left to right, my nieces Aubry, Erica and Annalina, my brother's daughter}

It's been a while since I've given an update on my sister's foster to adopt journey, so I thought I'd share the latest good news.  It took over a year, but last weekend we were finally able to celebrate the official adoption of Erica.  The actual proceedings took place in mid-December, and much of the family was able to attend the court hearing, but my sister and brother-in-law decided to celebrate in conjunction with Erica's 6th birthday last weekend. 

It was a big shebang complete with a bounce house, pinata, and princess decor galore.  As far as we know, it was Erica's first real birthday party and she seemed to float through the day in amazement that this was all in celebration of her, but at times you could see that she was perhaps a bit overwhelmed.  She took it all in stride and with pure gratitude, hugging and kissing the family that has become hers over the course of this last year.  Erica is such a sweet little soul and we are all blessed to have her become a part of our lives.

Next up, the official adoption of little Aubry sometime in March will complete my sister's family.  Or so we think...last week she was talking about maybe fostering to adopt one more! 

*You can read more of my sister and brother-in-law's foster to adopt journey here


  1. Thanks wonderful news!!

  2. What a great story and wonderful moment for your family!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is beautiful. I've always had a special place in my heart for adoption.
    Praise the Lord!


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