Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Back...

Well hello from way up high!  I made it out of Dallas and am almost ready to touch down at LAX.  Yee freaking Haw!  It ended up being a completely wasted trip as both of my buyers canceled their appointments due to the ice storm that overtook the city.  Who knew a little ice would freak so many people out?  Pssh.  It was pretty dicey out on the roads though and I may or may have not screamed like a little girl a couple of times on the way to the airport.  Thank goodness my travel companion is from Boston and she navigated that Hyundai rental car through the icy Dallas tundra like a true professional.  I will forever be indebted to her :)

I just wanted to say hi and thanks to my guest bloggers over the last week.  They all volunteered to help me out at the last minute and I truly appreciate their time.  Thank you to Kelsey from Snappy Casual, Mandy from Life In the Fashion Lane, Linda from Craftaholics Anonymous and Miranda from M. Shanti Photo.  You ladies kept me afloat this last week.  But I'm happy to be back and have missed you all so much! 

Real quick before I zonk out.  I'm going to be recapping my January purchases on Friday, and will divulge how I ended up faring in my spend vs. budget for the month.  I will also share the final results of the One Warm Coat drive.  Does anyone want to join in and post how you all fared last month?  Not sure if I'll do a linky majingy, or if I'll just have anyone interested leave a link in the comments.  Let me know if anyone's interested and I'll try to figure out that Linky thing. 

Or feel free to just say hi!  What have you all been up to this last week?  Do anything fun?


  1. Hello dear! Welcome back! Glad you made it back relatively OK.

    Really enjoyed your guest bloggers. Have a great day.

  2. welcome back, girl! what an adventure! enjoyed your friends while you were away… looking forward to your january recap.

  3. welcome home! too bad the trip was unsuccessful, but at least you stayed safe in the crazy weather. we've been valentining and i've been thinking of ways to save $; instead of filling a vase with fresh flowers in my Vday decor, i made a bouquet of paper pinwheels instead...it was FREE and will last much longer!

  4. Glad you got home safely! I am stuck in the frozen tundra we call Nebraska ;o) As far as fun this week... we had 2 snow days! So that means I've had 2 days off of work! Yippy! Glad you're back!

  5. woot! i love using internet from way up high!! makes me feel soo productive!!


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