Friday, February 4, 2011

Playgrounds & Lollipops - The White Shirt & Khakis

{Tuxedo Khakis: Gap, White Shirt: Banana Republic, Shoes: Faryl Robyn, Watch: Michael Kors}

Remember this post, where we got into a little debate over which was worse, Juicy track pants or yoga pants?  Well in the comments section my friend Mrs. No 17 declared we should bring back the khaki and white shirt as the new 'mom' uniform.  While I don't necessarily disagree that a khaki and white combo is a nice alternative to track pants, I was feeling like it might be a little too crisp for January.  So this is my version of khaki and white.

I bought these pants after I featured them in August last year.  I've yet to style them as sassy as Gap did, but I love them just the same.  They have to be rolled though because quite honestly they're a little frumpy looking if not.  And they look best with a messy roll.  Come to think of it, these pants are almost as temperamental as my 3 year old.  Good thing they were on sale or else I'd give them a time out.  And the shirt has seen better days.  I will need to pick up a new white shirt this spring because after several rounds with Oxi Clean, it's getting a little dingy.  How's that for honesty?

I will be recapping January spending on Monday for Buy Less Give More.  I had hopes of doing it today, but yesterday I was stretched more than I care to divulge, and I just didn't have the energy to write the post with the attention I think it deserves.  So please look out for it on Monday.  And speaking of energy, I am anxious to get rolling on some ideas I have after I wrote the last P&L and you all so nicely chimed in on.  I still very much want to change the face of P&L, but I have to do it when I am organized and have the time to do it, which in reality is never, but second week of Feb is going to have to suffice :)  Until then, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and stay warm and cozy!  Love you guys!


  1. Great outfit. I love it - so sleek, so pretty.

  2. i love how you've made a white dress shirt look casual~ it makes for a really put together weekend look (but not sloppy!). great inspiration!

  3. love it!
    your so chic :)


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