Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Zachary the Cat

We're a little distracted around here.  Our cat Zachary has been missing since Sunday.  He's been known to go off on the prowl and scour the hood looking for trouble for 1-2 days at a time, but never since  we moved to this house a year ago, and never for this long.  We're going to check the local pound and put up fliers today, but even my ever optimistic husband has a bad feeling that we've lost him for good this time.

He's sixteen years old and while he is still a bit feisty, I guess it wouldn't be all that surprising if it was his time.  It's the not knowing part that is hard right now, and the fact that if he is really gone, we never got to say goodbye.  And I have no clue how we're going to tell Taylor and Syd.  Truth be told, it wasn't exactly the love fest between Zach and I.  He's peed on my pillow for goodness sake.  But we had come to an understanding.  The kids loved him and he loved the kids, so at the end of the day he had permanently secured himself a spot in our family, no matter what he did wrong. 
I know there's always hope he can come back in the next few days. Who knows, perhaps he's holed up in some sweet old ladies house and she's feeding him canned tuna and whole milk.  But the reality is that that's probably not the case.  I guess if he doesn't come back, we could always just imagine him that way, sitting in the lap of luxury, never to be pounced on by an over active toddler boy again.


  1. Oh, gosh. This makes me so sad! We have had to say goodbye to a dog and a cat over the last two years, and it was so hard. We have one cat remaining, and it will be impossible to say goodbye to him! I will pray that telling your kids (if it becomes necessary) will be easier than you anticipate and that they will adjust well. Thinking of you!

  2. oh nooooooo I Hope that you find your furry pal....maybe someone took him in not knowing he was yours....don't give up. thinking of you and if I were closer I would be there with you hanging up the signs. hugs

  3. I'm so sad for you. This would just sicken me if this happened to us. You're right, it's the not knowing that the worst. My sister-in-law's cat went missing for a full week and they had completely given up hope, but after 7 days, their neighbors realized that he was holed up in their garage staying warm. You may want to check you neighbors yards and garages. Poor little guy. :(

  4. Oh, my heart sank when I read this. The first picture of him is absolutely adorable. It is heartbraking when the furry member of the family disappears. I know, we had it happen too. Completely stinks and many tears were shed. I hope that he does come home and bring smiles to all little faces.

  5. thinking of you, friend. im so sorry....

  6. Oh Andrea... I'm hoping you come across your furry friend soon!!! XOXO

  7. What a gorgeous picture (the top one)!! So sorry to hear this,I hate the unknown...hopefully he either turns up or you find him :(

  8. I hope you find him soon!!!

    That first picture of him is awesome! You should get it framed. And the one with your son (and his super curly hair) laying on the cat... perfect!

  9. i LOVE that first pic of Zachary the cat - WOW!!!


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