Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Bunny Paw Prints

We started this tradition about 4 years ago in our old neighborhood which had about 16 kids on the block.  A group of us neighbor moms would sneak out Easter Eve and place these paw prints on the walkways of all the kid's houses so they could wake up to find real proof that the Easter Bunny had visited.  Now, we only have 1 other child in our neighborhood but we have continued the tradition regardless.  The kids love it and are mesmerized at the "bunny dust" that the Easter bunny leaves behind.
A note about the flour.  You do need to wash it down soon after the kids find them Easter morning.  If left too long, they start to harden and turn into an almost concrete like paste that is very hard to remove.  I've had to scrape it off after forgetting to hose them down a couple of times and it's a pain.  But as long as you do it within a few hours on Easter, you're fine.  The excitement on the kid's faces is worth it :)
 For some reason the kids really like to step in the paw prints, it must be a texture thing.


  1. My mom used to do this in the house when we were little...she also left us scavenger hunt clues to our baskets. Easter morning was always so much fun before church. ; )

  2. I love, love this idea and included it in my last minute Easter idea post today!

  3. how adorable! what a great idea!

  4. I am new to your blog and just LOVE this idea. I posted it to my blog with a link to your post. Thanks for your creativity!

  5. SO SO SO cute!! i am filing this in my 'to be used at a later date' file, aka the 'good thing all my friends had kids before me so that i can use all their cute ideas' file ;).

    happy easter!!

  6. Love this idea! I always heard about footprints, but I didn't know how to do it. We are so doing this.


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