Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Kids Are In Heaven - Pool Progress

The kids are in heaven.  For the past two days they have been glued to the picture window looking out into the backyard and watching all the action take place.  Taylor declared this morning "This is the most exciting thing we've ever done!"  I on the other hand came home from work last night to find the big hole dug into our yard and started almost hyperventilating.  Typically Art would very easily be able to pull me back down from the ledge, but he was working late.  My mom instead had to try and calm my nerves.  She just kept saying though "There's no turning back now, what's done is done!"  I finally had to yell, "That's not helping!"  I take just after my worry wart father and you'd think after almost 45 years of marriage she would know how to properly calm down a nervous person.  

I wish I could just do something without having all these doubts and trepidations and insecurities.  But it's just in my nature to worry and agonize over every decision I make.  Since I can remember it's been my dream to have a pool.  We bought this house specifically because the yard was big enough to put a pool in!  And once it starts happening I get wrapped up in the possibility that I might regret my decision.  I wish I could be more carefree like Art.  But I'm working on it. 

After the guys left last night at dusk, we ran out there and jumped in the big hole and ran around.  The kids were having the time of their lives.  That made me happy enough to calm my nerves. 
This morning the first thing Taylor did was pull up her chair and settle in to watch the action.  I love how in to this whole process they are.  Love their inquisitive nature and all the questioning and observations.
 And after just two days, this is what our yard looks like.  It's amazing what they accomplished in just two days!  You can see the transition from shallow to deep and the little corner bench is even molded into the dirt!
By the way we're keeping the big elm tree in the backyard.  The canopy of the tree shades over half the pool, and I just love that.  You don't see that very much in these parts.  They had to cut into a lot of the tree's roots and I half jokingly said to the pool guy, "if you kill my tree, I'm gonna kill you."  I am probably now known as the crazy tree lady. 


  1. Be calm, my friend.
    It's going to be ok.

    and the splashing and laughter will eventually mask all of that freeway noise.

  2. so awesome. i grew up with a pool at my grandma's house (just a few miles away) and she has a big tree covering the entire deep end. totally great for not getting too burned if you spend all day in the pool. so many great swimmy memories! :) you and the fam will love it!

  3. I'm a worry wart even buying new furniture, Maura is a bit more carefree, enjoy the pool. It's good to splurge a little and the kids will be continiuosly like wrinkled prunes, they will love it!

  4. When I was in 4th grade we did the same thing at our house. I have those same pictures of my sister and I running around the huge dirt hole. I thought the excavator was the coolest contraption I had ever seen. I still talke to some of my childhood friends and they still talk about how much fun the end of the year pool parties were. Hang in there, it will all be worth it!

  5. eeek!!! SO fun!!!! You are going to LOVE having a pool! When we moved last summer to our new house, it has a pool and it is SO much fun....we have impromptu pool parties & bbq's all the time in the summer. It is so great for building community (with your friends and/or your neighbors!)

  6. oh it'll be amazing! we had a pool when i was a kid, best ever. we also had a huge tree on one end. enjoy!

  7. when you start to freak visualize sitting in the jacuzzi with a glass of wine looking at your gorgeous yard!

  8. opps guess I was signed in as Charlotte that was me, as my 5 year old cannot spell that well and I hope would not recommend wine!

  9. They are always going to remember running through the big hole. Love it!

  10. Deep breaths!
    It was always my husband's dream to have a house with a pool...but it freaked me out. 2 years ago we took the "plunge" and it's been awesome!! We have a "KatchAKid" net on it, and that saves my sanity alot. The best is hosting swim lessons and all the impromptu FUN you have when it's warm. We do "Sunday Funday" from about Memorial Day - Labor Day. A standing invite to all our friends and family to drop by Sunday after church with their suits and whatever they want to grill. Sometimes we have 2 people, sometimes we have 20. It's a blast and memories we could never "plan."
    Try to enjoy the building process! Looks like the kids are at least ;-)

  11. Packing my swimsuit for when blog sugar just in case I get to see the pool ;o) (just kidding!) I love the picture of your daughter sitting there watching, very sweet!

    Just think of all the hours of fun your family and friends will get out of it!

  12. Oh I would love to have a pool! It will be so nice!

  13. I am in love with Taylor in these pics. She LOOKS so excited and gets more beautiful by the minute. Pools are amazing and you will not regret it! STOP worrying so much...I am learning through you how to go with the flow a little more :)

  14. so fun for them! something they will always remember.

  15. woot woot! love the pics of the kids watching the process and getting down and playing in the 'hole'!


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