Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Six Years Ago Today

Six years ago today our first child was born.  We were awestruck, excited, overjoyed, scared.  We had no idea how much our lives would change, for the better.  We have both been the type of parents that have never wanted to stop time, but rather, we always looked forward to the next stage.  Crawling, walking, eating, talking, writing, and on and on.  But now, time has gotten a little out of hand and I do want it to stop.  

This past year with you Taylor has been perfection.  You have grown leaps and bounds and we are truly so happy and proud to call you our daughter.  No one, nothing, can ever replace the feeling we have watching you grow.  But could you please stop, just for a little bit? 

In an effort to never forget these years, your daddy and I spent the past week going through the last 6 years of pictures.  We laughed and cried, a lot, even your daddy.  The pictures in this little video all tell a story for us, for you, and each one holds a special place in our hearts for its ability to strike a memory for us and help us relive it just like it was yesterday.  We hope you like it and treasure it for a long time. 

We love you sweet girl.  Happy Birthday Taylor
*Song by Taylor Swift - Never Grow Up


  1. happy birthday! what a sweet, sweet video! xo

  2. What a beautiful montage! It even made ME cry :). Thanks for sharing and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR!

  3. Wow you are trying to make me cry, I love the video and the song. Who sings that sweet song?

  4. I LOVE it!! So beautiful. Glad you went with "Never grow Up"! Perfect! Taylor is BEAUTIFUL and she lucky to have you as a momma!

  5. Charlie and I loved it. His favortie was Taylor trying to open the drawer. =0) I loved that I recognized a lot of those pictures. Happy, happy birthday, Taylor!!!

  6. What a very sweet post. I also have a first born that will be turning 6 in just a few short weeks and it's so great but also sad. It is amazing how fast time flies and they grow up before you know it!

    Happy Birthday to your adorable daughter!

  7. Lovely video guys. Well done mama, all 6 years. :)

  8. What a precious birthday tribute!!
    Our girl turns 6 soon. You are right, this is the time that it hits you... 'never grow up!'

  9. Andrea this is absoloutely beautiful. I think my emotions are particular raw right now as I am in the process of selling my house (went on the market today), the house where my sweet 15 month old came home to.

    Watching your video confirms my need to want to stop working and spend as much time with my girl, although I love my job my heart is with her and I feel torn every. single. day!

    Thank you for sharing, inspiring and your babes are simply stunning!
    Happy Birthday Taylor

  10. this made me tear up!! you have such a beautiful family -- thank you for sharing.

    ps-that cat must have been a saint...one of my fave pics in the whole thing...


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