Monday, May 23, 2011

Party Planning With Alissa from Rags to Stitches

Hi, my name is Alissa and I blog over at Rags to Stitches. I'm so excited to be posting over here at Four Flights of Fancy. Thanks for having me Andrea!! I love meeting new people so I hope you'll pop by my blog, twitter, facebook and say hello.

I love summertime. Not just because it's sunny and warm, after all I do live in Southern California, but because June is my daughter's birthday month. I'm a party planner by nature. My husband would roll his eyes if he heard me say that, and then add the word "obsessive" in there somewhere. hehe I can't help it. I think it's the crafty side of me that goes crazy coming up with themes and trying to see how much of the party I can hand make. Last year we threw an Elmo party for my daughter and a Johnny Cupcakes party for my son and everything from the cupcakes, cakes, cake pops, tissue paper pom poms and centerpieces were all handmade. 

June is my favorite time to throw a party because we have a fabulous backyard that's perfect for parents to sit and enjoy themselves while the kids run around the yard. I'm not going to lie, this year it took me a little while to come up with a theme. Since Miss K kept going back and forth between princesses and Minney Mouse, I thought it would be fun to come up with something completely different. What's more fun than pinwheels and pennants?! So I began searching for the perfect ideas for her party. Thanks to my new addiction to Pinterest I was able to find some fabulous ideas for her party.

The invites are out, the paper is cut, the pinwheels are ready to be made and I've got just under 4 weeks to throw it all together. Yay, I can't wait!! Don't forget to stop by in a couple weeks and see how it went.


  1. Nice to "meet" you Alissa! I love the pinwheel theme! And, like you, Pinterest is an obsession of mine as well. I'm so glad more and more people are using it; now there are TONS of ideas!

  2. Adorable ideas, Alissa! I'm planning C's party right now as well and am LOVING pinterest. It's been a HUGE help in planning!

  3. What sweet ideas! I love all the pinwheels :)

  4. I love birthday themes that are so fresh and creative. Very cute!


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