Sunday, May 1, 2011

Red Fruit Love

Strawberry Love: 
1. Strawberry Ginger Caipirosca ~ doesn't this look so refreshing? 
2. Quick Strawberry Jam ~ 3 ingredient recipes are my favorite 
3. Williams Sonoma Strawberry Huller ~ I would so buy this little kitchen gadget 
4. Strawberry Ice Cream ~ an simple recipe for our ice cream maker. I think I'd add bananas on top
5. Strawberry Enamel Necklace ~ I love the little pop of color this would provide any outfit 
6. Handmade Strawberry Lip Balm ~ this would be a nice alternative to my favorite strawberry Chap Stick}

Two out of four of my posts last week involved strawberries, as seen here and here.  Tis the season I guess.  I love this time of year when you can buy a crate of ripe red fruit for just a few dollars.  And I love how it works out that the strawberry is the least expensive when it is the most delicious.  We went strawberry picking at Tanaka Farms last week, and if you live anywhere locally in the greater Southern California area, I highly recommend this adventure.  While I had big plans of making jam with our baskets of sweet fruit, they didn't even last one day before they were gobbled up.   

We are growing our own strawberries this year a little bit differently.  Using a tip from my green thumbed mother in law, we are keeping our berries safe from critters by growing them in an old metal wheelbarrow (luckily we had one on hand).  We drilled a few drainage holes in the bottom, filled it with nice organic bumper crop, and planted away.  From past experience, my mother in law highly recommends a metal over plastic wheelbarrow, as the plastic bakes in the sun and in turn cooks your little berries.  Wish us luck!  Hopefully we'll have our own bounty to pick from in just a couple of weeks. 
How was everyone's weekend?  Such a plethora of events going on in the world and even in my small little world.  This week I promise to share what I ended up getting Art for our Anniversary, and I'd also like to share a bit about my final days of work...And now I go back to watch the TV and see history unfold right before my very eyes.  God Bless America tonight, and God Bless our very brave, brave troops.  I'd like to thank each one of you that has valiantly fought for our country these past ten years, and long before that.  I'd love to have you all over and I'd make you a big tub of strawberry ice cream :)

I'm also linking up to Heather's Life Made Lovely Mondays :)


  1. Your strawberries are going to be great! Last year I planted mine right near the front porch in pots. That didn't work so well for us anyway... the toads loved it!

  2. oh...i love the wheel barrel idea.

  3. Oh, yummy! We had strawberry shortcake for our Easter dessert, and it was SO good. :)

  4. We used to live in San Clemente and went to Tanaka Farms for picking pumpkins and watermelon. I love it there. There's a place we go in Carlsbad now. I can't believe the jam recipe only has 3 ingredients. That's something I can do! And I love the wheelbarrow idea...looks super cute!

  5. oh this all makes me want to plant strawberries!!

  6. So fun in the wheelbarrow! My favorite thing to do with strawberries is definitely jam. So easy and SO yummy!

  7. Definetely something in the air, we planted some strawb's at the weekend and also some watermelon? Go figure.

  8. strawberries!!! favorite!
    that ice cream looks amazing. i once had a strawberry huller from ws-awesome-lent it out and haven't seen it since;) your planter is super fun!

  9. Your strawberries look great! I am planting my first garden this season. I hope it does well.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I discovered yours recently and I love it!

  10. The strawberries are so good right now! Yum.

    Did you make the home-made chapstick? That looks great.



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