Thursday, October 1, 2009

Books, Books and More Books!

I am re-posting this from the archives because it is still one of my favorite posts.  I hope you enjoy it.  Also, don't forget to enter for your chance to win a Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Brick here
Have a great weekend friends!

In the last couple of weeks we have been cruising the local used bookstores and Friends of the Library used bookstores (the Rossmoor and Whittier library ones are our favorites). As you can see we have found A LOT of great books! This stack below was acquired over the course of a few trips and I think I might have spent about $19 for all of these. I love finding some of the older books that smell like they've been sitting in a library for eons. Anyhow, I digress. ONE book in particular has been causing quite a bit of commotion in our house as of late...

THIS book

Ahhh the JOY it has brought to these two siblings. Here sister is reading to brother. Sweet

AND, the tears (of course)

See, originally Taylor found this book in the bookstore, which in her eyes makes it Hers. In this scene she thought baby brother was handling it just a little too roughly so she put it away. The only logical course of action for a four year old (I did put the camera down after this was taken and assisted with the situation; I'm not that cruel).

Does anyone else remember the HUGE RAT sneaking into the Darling's house to eat the baby?!?! WHAT THE WHAT??? There are some seriously twisted people at Disney.

Oh, but I do remember this sweet scene. Who doesn't? Makes me smile.

As luck would have it, I came across another copy of the exact same book, as well as a smaller version that is much more transportable. Peace and order restored in the Howe household.

And, the smaller version has a much less horrific villain; instead of a rat sneaking in to eat the Darling baby, a FIRE threatens the family. Hmmm...Rat/Fire, Rat/Fire???

At any rate the kids love the books and I just LOVE that. Happy Reading!


  1. Cute post :-) Yes, those Disney people are a bit twisted!

  2. LOVE all these books--they bring back such memories!

  3. My favorites are all the Little Golden Books. I want to go and live in their illustrations!


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