Sunday, May 15, 2011

Enjoyment - Round 2

We're heading to Yosemite later in the week and I am both excited and nervous.  It's going to be 60 degrees which is cold for this self proclaimed wimpy girl from Southern California.  But the campground looks very promising and I am looking forward to a 4 day break from work, computers, homework and housework.  The families that we are traveling with have split up meals so I don't even have to cook most days!  Reason enough to celebrate :)  I have a few guest posts lined up that I hope you'll enjoy.  In the meantime, here are some shots of life around our house of things I've been enjoying...

This is not my bathing suit, but I kinda wish it was.  A birthday gift for Taylor, but I've been drooling over the bright and cheery print and colors.  Blues, aquas and oranges=perfection. 
I have officially bypassed Art as the chocolate chip cookie making champ.  I don't know what I did, so who knows if I can replicate the taste next time around, but this batch came out GOOD!  Art was thoroughly impressed and admitted that they were better than his :)
Ah, just something about spring time linens that makes a bed look so inviting.  I only keep 2 sets of sheets on hand and 1 set finally ripped after 10 years of use, so it was time for a new one.  Instead of the standard cream set, I took a walk on the wild side and bought stripes! Thank you Target and your $36 sale sheet sets.
My nightstand drawer is an embarrassment and I waste 5 minutes of my day trying to dig through it looking for an accessory.  I finally decided I needed a tray to display watches, rings and bracelets on, but didn't want to spend any money.  In keeping with Shopping My Own Closet, I shopped my own house and discovered this crystal dish my Aunt gave me for a bridal shower gift twelve years ago.  It suits my simple room just perfectly.
Pretty beads all set for a fun DIY necklace project.  Full post coming soon with tutorial...
And finally, seeing my children turn into little jewelry making apprentices made me smile.  I knew I saved all of my beading supplies from high school for a reason.  I have a stash of beads I collected for years that the kids found amazing.  Between the two of them they made about 6 necklaces.  I love finding new projects for us to do together that help spark creativity.  Makes my heart sing.
Have a wonderful week friends.  I hope to check in once more before I leave!

I'm linking up to Heather's Life Made Lovely


  1. i wanna be one of your kids. homemade cookies and pretty bead necklaces? sign me up!

  2. Yosemite...we went there last summer and it was smoking hot! Temperature, I mean. We rented bikes one day and cruised around the park. You must do that. enjoy your trip. Tell Half Dome hello and that she is a beautiful majestic creation!

  3. I've always been a plain Jane sheet girl too. Good for you for venturing into the land of stripes. They look great! Have fun on your trip!

  4. Oh, that very last picture is wonderful! What a treasure. :) (Can't wait to see the DIY project!)

  5. Have so much fun in Yosemite!!! I LOVE it there & we haven't been in years! This post makes me want chocolate chip cookies....I think I will be making some tonight!

  6. Love the shot of the beads - makes me want to get crafty.

  7. can't wait to see the necklace DIY. enjoy yosemite and come back with pics. i've never been...

  8. love taylor's suit!!
    beading is so fun:)

    enjoy yosemite!! xo

  9. I want that bathing suit too! Oh and a cookie ;)


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