Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Twelve Reasons

If I were a boy and I had all the expectations for romance placed on me that girls put on boys, I'd be a little miffed.  So often we girls complain that our guys aren't romantic enough, that they don't bring us flowers, they don't take us out to eat, they don't surprise us with notes, blah, blah, blah.  But then, how often do we do those things for them?  I know I'm one of the worst culprits and I'm not too proud to admit it.  I don't want to get into a battle of the sexes here and count cards to see who does more.  I will say though that after twelve years of marriage I've learned that it's not all about passed love notes and a dozen roses.  But a little romance does go a long way, and goes both ways.

So Friday, I took my man out to eat.  I made the reservation at our favorite restaurant, and I even paid for dinner with the gift card I received for my birthday!  I dressed up real nice for my guy in this dress, and ahem, I didn't wear tights and wore high heels...my guy loves me in heels.  And at dinner I gave him a little card with twelve simple love notes inside.  "Twelve Reasons Why I Love You."  I liked Nicole and Leslie's idea of a dozen of something, so I ran with it.  Thanks girls!  He could have been fibbing, but he seemed to really like the notes and appreciate them.  I also included a gift certificate to get a massage because the poor guy is walking around like an old man he's so stiff.  He carries all his stress in his lower back so some mornings can barely touch his toes.

We had a great night, it was nice to have a chance for a do-over because I was really lame the first time around on Easter Sunday :)  Thanks again for all the advice.  It was fun to read each suggestion.  Have a great day everyone!


  1. this is SO great! creative and heartfelt gifts like that are the best. glad you guys had such a great night!!!

  2. That is really sweet.....I need to do more things like that instead of being irritated that they aren't done for me! Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  3. Glad your date was fab! Romantic attention should go both ways. Too true. Guys like to be romanced!

  4. love the old spaghetti factory!
    love the twelve notes!
    and i get my good ideas from leslie too...
    my anniversary is over, but i might just do this anyway.

  5. what a GREAT idea!! i have no idea what to do for our first anniversary and now you've got my wheels spinning a bit! thanks for the inspiration!
    sounds like you all had a blast!

  6. What a sweet idea! I'll have to keep that in mind for our next anniversary! :)

  7. very sweet. i love this idea. i really need to do this for my man soon too :) <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com

  8. so awesome! sounds like a great night. i agree that we need to do our share of the romancing. i love that stamp set too.

  9. GOOD for you, girl! I bet hubs really enjoyed your plans and I hope you really felt romantical and in charge (not in an "obey me" kind of way, but in a respectful "thank you, let me take the reigns this time" sort of way). I'm taking notes. ;)

    Enter my Nanny Styles Contest!

  10. This is so sweet - I am terrible at romancing my man, and need to get better STAT!

  11. Yeah for love, what a fun way to celebrate!


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