Friday, May 28, 2010

Playgrounds & Lollipops - A Triumphant Return With a Hat

Thursday May 27th, 2010

Just for fun

High-Waisted Shorts: Forever 21
T-Shirt: Forever 21
Cardigan: Nordstrom Brass Plum Dept.
Lucite (or Bakelite?) Vintage Necklace: Rachel's Attic 17 Sale for 50 cents
Cameo Bracelet:?
Hat: Roxy bought last year on vacation in Hawaii
Shoes: Anthropologie

Where or where do I begin friends?  Gosh it's been a whole 4 weeks since I stepped in front of the camera for Playgrounds & Lollipops and it felt good to start back up with a really fun outfit post.  For those new to my blog (and there are a few since last time), you can check out the Playgrounds & Lollipops button on the sidebar to learn more about this weekly segment.  Thanks so much to Miranda for taking such beautiful photos again.  I really loved how these turned out, and as always, her house is the perfect backdrop for a photo shoot.  Isn't that fireplace wall amazing?

I'll be honest, I wore this outfit for about 30 minutes yesterday, just for this shoot.  I went home and crawled right back into my super comfy sweats to get back down to business.  But it felt good to put on something fun to lift my spirits since it's been downright gloomy here in Southern California.  This weather is unheard of.  I purposely pulled out the hat bought in Hawaii to conjure up warm and happy thoughts.

I loved this outfit so much though that this will easily become a favorite come summer.  The high waisted shorts, the shoes, and even the simple T-shirt made a chic yet comfortable ensemble indeed.  And the bracelet?  Well the bracelet is a perfect example of holding onto something you love just because, even if you wear it every 8 years (it's been that long).  If you love it, keep it around.  I never follow that rule of "if you haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it."  That's just crazy!

In other news, I have been a working like a mad woman.
On what you ask?  Well let me tell you!

To start off with, I'm helping Rachel organize Blog Sugar, which is tomorrow.  We have about 60 local California bloggers driving in to meet, mingle, network and talk blog.  It's going to be an awesome night and I can't wait.

Next, besides planning, throwing and then recuperating from Syd's birthday bonanza, I also entered my framed chalkboard/cork board tutorial for a spot in Craftaholics Anonymous' Readers Tutorial Week and it received a spot!  I am so honored and excited. My tutorial will show up on today's post.  If you have a chance, please hop on over and say hi!

Lastly, and here's the big news friends, drum roll please.....

I opened my Etsy Shop!  You can visit it HERE!
It still needs some work and fine tuning, like, oh, putting in some shop policies and important stuff like that, but at least it's up and a work in progress!  I am beyond excited, but also scared, if I'm to be honest.  I don't want to get overwhelmed, so I'm taking it slow.  Fingers crossed I don't want to slit my wrists in 2 months.

So that's my news.  It's been a big month for us and I am tired.  I am actually exhausted and I need to slow down.  I am intentionally keeping June & July small and simple, and may even take a bit of a blogging break, or if nothing else, post less.  I want to enjoy my summer with my kids, especially since it's the last summer before Taylor starts Kindergarten (sniff, sniff).

Have a great weekend friends!  As always thanks for visiting!


  1. Wahooo!!! Just made a purchase at your etsy shop. Am I the first? It looks great, Andrea!!! Now, go take a breather! Love you, girl!!!

  2. Great outfit! Hooray for Etsy shop! Hooray for blog sugar! Yippee for summer & good friends : )

  3. Where do I start? First, cute outfit on you. I do love that hat! You have been a busy gal. Can't wait to see you at Blog Sugar. And, your Etsy shop has some cute stuff. So glad you're going to slow down. I know the feeling of starting to feel overwhelmed. See you tonight.

  4. Cute outfit. I was a little scared in the first picture because I thought hat had plants hanging off it. But then I drank my coffee as I scrolled down and realized that NO, it was only just a hanging plant in the background. Can't wait to see you at Blog Sugar!

  5. Love the outfit! And congrats on the etsy shop! Will make sure to send an email to all my friends with little girls. Good seeing you this morning!

  6. Congratulations on opening the Etsy shop! It's super cute.

  7. So much to say....
    1. FABULOUS outfit!!! Love this one and the HAT... darling :D
    2. Blog sugar sounds like so much fun... sniff, sniff.... wish it was a tiny bit closer to CHICAGO!!! boooo
    3. Congrats on the Craftaholics submission - that is awesome!
    4. Good luck with your etsy shop
    5. Have a GREAT weekend :D

  8. yay!!
    what wonderful news about you opening your shop. it's full of such cute pieces!

  9. Hi there! I found your blog via Rachel @ number17. Love this outfit! I've been on the lookout for a pair of shorts like those. Looks like I need to make a Forever 21 run (after I breathe deep and count to 10... that place is NUTS!).

  10. You look fabulous! I love love love the necklace.


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