Saturday, May 29, 2010

With Permission From...

The wonderful Julie from Joy's Hope. You can read her post here and learn what this cryptic message means. Last night was Blog Sugar and as Rachel was speaking about blogging, I kept thinking of this post. So go on over and read it if you have ever had doubt, insecurities, jealousy. It will make you feel better.

I am still smiling from last night.  In a word, ASTONISHING!

Oh, and have a wonderful Memorial's Day weekend everyone.


  1. i so wish i could have been there. i just know i would have adored it.

  2. it was so nice meeting you last night!
    give your self all the cred you need. YOU WERE FUNNY :)

  3. I posted about it last night- and also said that you are definitely funny in person. :)

    Julie's post came to mind a LOT last night when Rachel was speaking. I SO wanted Julie to stand up and shout "You are 1 in 106,456,367,669 and you are phenomenal!" If I had remembered the grand total, I would have done just that. :)

  4. It was great meeting you last night. Thanks for all the work you put into making Blog Sugar a success!

  5. Thank you for sharing this! Such a great blog to read to go along with what was talked about last night!

  6. Astonishing!!!!

    Happy day friend.


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