Thursday, September 9, 2010

Growing Signs Of Independence

a little girl, finally excited to be going to Kindergarten, after 5 weeks.  
hey she's slow to warm up, what can I say?
a little boy, pouring his own milk at breakfast.
following in the footsteps of his big sis, finally getting to go to preschool.
running to his class, and so excited about it.
I guess independence also comes with learning to wipe your own butt and blow your own nose, 
but I'll take what I can get.

*the sweet little pitcher has been such a happy new treasure to our home.  We used these in Taylor and Syd's preschool to encourage independence and foster a "learning to help themselves" mentality.  The kids adore this simple act.  The preschool orders theirs from a Montessori website found here.  My mom, knowing how much I've been wanting to get one, and being the peach that she is, discovered that they also carry them at Bed Bath and Beyond and can be ordered online here.  The kids love pouring their own drinks at every meal- time and it is such a good exercise in control, hand eye coordination, and learning about ratios and portions.


  1. Great news! So glad for the Howe Family.

  2. Wonderful news! Now you probably would feel the whole house is so empty without them around.

  3. sweet...they are adorable...Happy Friday!!

    Statements in Fashion

  4. i'm so glad you included the details about that pitcher cause i was gonna ask. i love it. i need it!

  5. Love the tiny pitcher! We have several versions of small pitchers for our daughter, but I like that this one has a top. Hooray for kids who are excited about school!


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