Friday, September 10, 2010


So I have no idea how it happened, but somehow, I was spotted and nominated as one of Orange Counties best family blogs.  I am actually very honored and excited.  But I know I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning since I'm going up against the likes of Joy's Hope, Bringing Up Burns and Eli's Lids.  But at any rate, I'd appreciate it to not look like a total slaughter, so if you have a chance, would you mind going here to vote?  I'm listed under the Personal and Family Blogs category.

You can read more about the awards and see all the other nominees here.
Voting closes on Sunday at midnight PST, so pretty please, go on over and cast your vote?



  1. Don't think my last comment went through?
    Cool! just voted. :)
    loved the independence post too...very sweet.

  2. Done! I look forward to the day my blog is nominated by Bear County. (down a sunny dirt road blah blah)

  3. WHAAAAAAT!!!! That is so exciting :D I voted and might just do so again :D Totally pumped for you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate every single one. If you enable your email address I'd love to respond :)